Author: landonf
Date: Wed Dec 21 00:50:21 2016
New Revision: 310342

  bhnd(4): Use a stable sort key to produce deterministic nvram_map_gen.awk
  When ordering SROM layout entries, we now use the unique (var_id,
  rev_start, rev_end) tuple as the sort key; this fixes the previously
  non-deterministic output when sorting entries with overlapping var_ids.
  PR:           215422
  Reported by:  emaste
  Reviewed by:  emaste
  Approved by:  adrian (mentor)
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/sys/dev/bhnd/tools/nvram_map_gen.awk
--- head/sys/dev/bhnd/tools/nvram_map_gen.awk   Tue Dec 20 22:47:09 2016        
+++ head/sys/dev/bhnd/tools/nvram_map_gen.awk   Wed Dec 21 00:50:21 2016        
@@ -1519,8 +1519,10 @@ function write_srom_bindings(layout, _va
                array_append(_entries, _entry)
-       # Sort entries by variable ID, ascending
-       array_sort(_entries, prop_path_create(p_var, p_vid))
+       # Sort entries by (variable ID, revision range), ascending
+       array_sort(_entries, prop_path_create(p_var, p_vid),
+           prop_path_create(p_revisions, p_start),
+           prop_path_create(p_revisions, p_end))
        # Emit all entry binding opcodes
        emit("static const uint8_t " _varname "[] = {\n")
@@ -2297,17 +2299,24 @@ function array_get(array, idx) {
 # Sort an array, using standard awk comparison operators over its values.
-# If `prop_path` is non-NULL, the corresponding property path (or property ID)
+# If `prop_path*` is non-NULL, the corresponding property path (or property ID)
 # will be fetched from each array element and used as the sorting value.
-function array_sort(array, prop_path, _size) {
+# If multiple property paths are specified, the array is first sorted by
+# the first path, and then any equal values are sorted by the second path,
+# and so on.
+function array_sort(array, prop_path0, prop_path1, prop_path2, _size) {
        obj_assert_class(array, Array)
+       if (_size != null)
+               errorx("no more than three property paths may be specified")
        _size = array_size(array)
        if (_size <= 1)
-       _qsort(array, prop_path, 0, _size-1)
+       _qsort(array, prop_path0, prop_path1, prop_path2, 0, _size-1)
 function _qsort_get_key(array, idx, prop_path, _v) {
@@ -2319,8 +2328,35 @@ function _qsort_get_key(array, idx, prop
        return (prop_get_path(_v, prop_path))
-function _qsort(array, prop_path, first, last, _qpivot, _qpivot_val, _qleft,
-    _qleft_val, _qright, _qright_val)
+function _qsort_compare(array, lhs_idx, rhs_val, ppath0, ppath1, ppath2,
+    _lhs_val, _rhs_prop_val)
+       _lhs_val = _qsort_get_key(array, lhs_idx, ppath0)
+       if (ppath0 == null)
+               _rhs_prop_val = rhs_val
+       else
+               _rhs_prop_val = prop_get_path(rhs_val, ppath0)
+       if (_lhs_val == _rhs_prop_val && ppath1 != null) {
+               _lhs_val = _qsort_get_key(array, lhs_idx, ppath1)
+               _rhs_prop_val = prop_get_path(rhs_val, ppath1)
+               if (_lhs_val == _rhs_prop_val && ppath2 != null) {
+                       _lhs_val = _qsort_get_key(array, lhs_idx, ppath2)
+                       _rhs_prop_val = prop_get_path(rhs_val, ppath2)
+               }
+       }
+       if (_lhs_val < _rhs_prop_val)
+               return (-1)
+       else if (_lhs_val > _rhs_prop_val)
+               return (1)
+       else
+               return (0)
+function _qsort(array, ppath0, ppath1, ppath2, first, last, _qpivot,
+    _qleft, _qleft_val, _qright, _qright_val)
        if (first >= last)
@@ -2330,15 +2366,21 @@ function _qsort(array, prop_path, first,
        _qleft = first
        _qright = last
-       _qpivot_val = _qsort_get_key(array, _qpivot, prop_path)
+       _qpivot_val = array_get(array, _qpivot)
        # partition
        while (_qleft <= _qright) {
-               while (_qsort_get_key(array, _qleft, prop_path) < _qpivot_val)
+               while (_qsort_compare(array, _qleft, _qpivot_val, ppath0, 
+                   ppath2) < 0)
+               {
+               }
-               while (_qsort_get_key(array, _qright, prop_path) > _qpivot_val)
+               while (_qsort_compare(array, _qright, _qpivot_val, ppath0, 
+                   ppath2) > 0)
+               {
+               }
                # swap
                if (_qleft <= _qright) {
@@ -2354,8 +2396,8 @@ function _qsort(array, prop_path, first,
        # sort the partitions
-       _qsort(array, prop_path, first, _qright)
-       _qsort(array, prop_path, _qleft, last)
+       _qsort(array, ppath0, ppath1, ppath2, first, _qright)
+       _qsort(array, ppath0, ppath1, ppath2, _qleft, last)
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