On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 12:25:50PM -0600, Ian Lepore wrote:
>     If the leapseconds file is present, the leap bits for reference
>     clocks and downstratum servers are ignored.
> I can't determine from casual code examination (and I don't have time
> to experiment now) whether that is true even if the file is expired.

The way the code seems to work is:

        1) Take a vote from your peers on if there is an upcoming
        leap second. Refclocks can outvote other peers. (This is
        in ntp_proto.c:clock_update() - search for leap_vote_ins).

        2) If one seems to be pending, try to insert it into an
        in-memory table for the end of the month.

        3) If you find that you loaded a table and the leapsecond
        you are trying to insert is within the valid range of the
        table, return an error. (This is in ntp_leapsec.c:leapsec_add())

So, I think the change should be safe, if the comments match the code.

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