Author: andrew
Date: Sat Oct 17 19:52:17 2015
New Revision: 289466

  Replace build_section_pagetable with build_l1_block_pagetable as it takes
  an extra argument to specify the number of 1GiB pages to map. This should
  be a nop as we are only mapping a single page, but when we move to use an
  extra level of page tables we will be able to map a second block, e.g. if
  the kernel was loaded over a 1GiB boundary.


Modified: head/sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S
--- head/sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S       Sat Oct 17 19:48:17 2015        
+++ head/sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S       Sat Oct 17 19:52:17 2015        
@@ -379,7 +379,8 @@ create_pagetables:
        mov     x7, #DEVICE_MEM
        mov     x8, #(SOCDEV_VA)        /* VA start */
        mov     x9, #(SOCDEV_PA)        /* PA start */
-       bl      build_section_pagetable
+       mov     x10, #1
+       bl      build_l1_block_pagetable
        /* Create the VA = PA map */
@@ -387,36 +388,38 @@ create_pagetables:
        mov     x7, #NORMAL_UNCACHED /* Uncached as it's only needed early on */
        mov     x9, x27
        mov     x8, x9          /* VA start (== PA start) */
-       bl      build_section_pagetable
+       mov     x10, #1
+       bl      build_l1_block_pagetable
        /* Restore the Link register */
        mov     x30, x5
- * Builds a 1 GiB page table entry
- *  x6 = L1 table
- *  x7 = Type (0 = Device, 1 = Normal)
- *  x8 = VA start
- *  x9 = PA start (trashed)
+ * Builds an L1 -> L2 table descriptor
+ *
+ * This is a link for a 1GiB block of memory with up to 2MiB regions mapped
+ * within it by build_l2_block_pagetable.
+ *
+ *  x6  = L1 table
+ *  x8  = Virtual Address
+ *  x9  = L2 PA (trashed)
  *  x11, x12 and x13 are trashed
-        * Build the L1 table entry.
+        * Link an L1 -> L2 table entry.
        /* Find the table index */
        lsr     x11, x8, #L1_SHIFT
        and     x11, x11, #Ln_ADDR_MASK
        /* Build the L1 block entry */
-       lsl     x12, x7, #2
-       orr     x12, x12, #L1_BLOCK
-       orr     x12, x12, #(ATTR_AF)
+       mov     x12, #L1_TABLE
        /* Only use the output address bits */
-       lsr     x9, x9, #L1_SHIFT
-       orr     x12, x12, x9, lsl #L1_SHIFT
+       lsr     x9, x9, #12
+       orr     x12, x12, x9, lsl #12
        /* Store the entry */
        str     x12, [x6, x11, lsl #3]
@@ -424,35 +427,48 @@ build_section_pagetable:
- * Builds an L1 -> L2 table descriptor
- *
- * This is a link for a 1GiB block of memory with up to 2MiB regions mapped
- * within it by build_l1_block_pagetable.
- *
+ * Builds count 1 GiB page table entry
  *  x6  = L1 table
- *  x8  = Virtual Address
- *  x9  = L2 PA (trashed)
+ *  x7  = Type (0 = Device, 1 = Normal)
+ *  x8  = VA start
+ *  x9  = PA start (trashed)
+ *  x10 = Entry count (TODO)
  *  x11, x12 and x13 are trashed
-        * Link an L1 -> L2 table entry.
+        * Build the L1 table entry.
        /* Find the table index */
        lsr     x11, x8, #L1_SHIFT
        and     x11, x11, #Ln_ADDR_MASK
        /* Build the L1 block entry */
-       mov     x12, #L1_TABLE
+       lsl     x12, x7, #2
+       orr     x12, x12, #L1_BLOCK
+       orr     x12, x12, #(ATTR_AF)
+#ifdef SMP
+       orr     x12, x12, ATTR_SH(ATTR_SH_IS)
        /* Only use the output address bits */
-       lsr     x9, x9, #12
-       orr     x12, x12, x9, lsl #12
+       lsr     x9, x9, #L1_SHIFT
+       /* Set the physical address for this virtual address */
+1:     orr     x12, x12, x9, lsl #L1_SHIFT
        /* Store the entry */
        str     x12, [x6, x11, lsl #3]
-       ret
+       /* Clear the address bits */
+       and     x12, x12, #ATTR_MASK_L
+       sub     x10, x10, #1
+       add     x11, x11, #1
+       add     x9, x9, #1
+       cbnz    x10, 1b
+2:     ret
  * Builds count 2 MiB page table entry
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