Author: weongyo
Date: Tue Jun  9 04:17:08 2009
New Revision: 193803

  unify zyd_tx_mgt() and zyd_tx_data() to simplify TX path and sorts
  setting TX descritor.
  While I'm here fixes a bug that the management frames only sent at 2


Modified: head/sys/dev/usb/wlan/if_zyd.c
--- head/sys/dev/usb/wlan/if_zyd.c      Tue Jun  9 04:09:31 2009        
+++ head/sys/dev/usb/wlan/if_zyd.c      Tue Jun  9 04:17:08 2009        
@@ -157,9 +157,7 @@ static int  zyd_set_rxfilter(struct zyd_s
 static void    zyd_set_chan(struct zyd_softc *, struct ieee80211_channel *);
 static int     zyd_set_beacon_interval(struct zyd_softc *, int);
 static void    zyd_rx_data(struct usb_xfer *, int, uint16_t);
-static int     zyd_tx_mgt(struct zyd_softc *, struct mbuf *,
-                   struct ieee80211_node *);
-static int     zyd_tx_data(struct zyd_softc *, struct mbuf *,
+static int     zyd_tx_start(struct zyd_softc *, struct mbuf *,
                    struct ieee80211_node *);
 static void    zyd_start(struct ifnet *);
 static int     zyd_raw_xmit(struct ieee80211_node *, struct mbuf *,
@@ -2329,7 +2327,7 @@ tr_setup:
 static uint8_t
-zyd_plcp_signal(int rate)
+zyd_plcp_signal(struct zyd_softc *sc, int rate)
        switch (rate) {
        /* OFDM rates (cf IEEE Std 802.11a-1999, pp. 14 Table 80) */
@@ -2359,109 +2357,9 @@ zyd_plcp_signal(int rate)
        case 22:
                return (0x3);
-       return (0xff);          /* XXX unsupported/unknown rate */
-static int
-zyd_tx_mgt(struct zyd_softc *sc, struct mbuf *m0, struct ieee80211_node *ni)
-       struct ieee80211vap *vap = ni->ni_vap;
-       struct ieee80211com *ic = ni->ni_ic;
-       struct zyd_tx_desc *desc;
-       struct zyd_tx_data *data;
-       struct ieee80211_frame *wh;
-       struct ieee80211_key *k;
-       int rate, totlen;
-       uint16_t pktlen;
-       data = STAILQ_FIRST(&sc->tx_free);
-       STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&sc->tx_free, next);
-       sc->tx_nfree--;
-       desc = &data->desc;
-       rate = IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_5GHZ(ic->ic_curchan) ? 12 : 2;
-       wh = mtod(m0, struct ieee80211_frame *);
-       if (wh->i_fc[1] & IEEE80211_FC1_WEP) {
-               k = ieee80211_crypto_encap(ni, m0);
-               if (k == NULL) {
-                       m_freem(m0);
-                       return (ENOBUFS);
-               }
-       }
-       data->ni = ni;
-       data->m = m0;
-       data->rate = rate;
-       wh = mtod(m0, struct ieee80211_frame *);
-       totlen = m0->m_pkthdr.len + IEEE80211_CRC_LEN;
-       /* fill Tx descriptor */
-       desc->len = htole16(totlen);
-       desc->flags = ZYD_TX_FLAG_BACKOFF;
-       if (!IEEE80211_IS_MULTICAST(wh->i_addr1)) {
-               /* multicast frames are not sent at OFDM rates in 802.11b/g */
-               if (totlen > vap->iv_rtsthreshold) {
-                       desc->flags |= ZYD_TX_FLAG_RTS;
-               } else if (ZYD_RATE_IS_OFDM(rate) &&
-                   (ic->ic_flags & IEEE80211_F_USEPROT)) {
-                       if (ic->ic_protmode == IEEE80211_PROT_CTSONLY)
-                               desc->flags |= ZYD_TX_FLAG_CTS_TO_SELF;
-                       else if (ic->ic_protmode == IEEE80211_PROT_RTSCTS)
-                               desc->flags |= ZYD_TX_FLAG_RTS;
-               }
-       } else
-               desc->flags |= ZYD_TX_FLAG_MULTICAST;
-       if ((wh->i_fc[0] &
-           (IEEE80211_FC0_TYPE_MASK | IEEE80211_FC0_SUBTYPE_MASK)) ==
-           (IEEE80211_FC0_TYPE_CTL | IEEE80211_FC0_SUBTYPE_PS_POLL))
-               desc->flags |= ZYD_TX_FLAG_TYPE(ZYD_TX_TYPE_PS_POLL);
-       desc->phy = zyd_plcp_signal(rate);
-       if (ZYD_RATE_IS_OFDM(rate)) {
-               desc->phy |= ZYD_TX_PHY_OFDM;
-               if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_5GHZ(ic->ic_curchan))
-                       desc->phy |= ZYD_TX_PHY_5GHZ;
-       } else if (rate != 2 && (ic->ic_flags & IEEE80211_F_SHPREAMBLE))
-               desc->phy |= ZYD_TX_PHY_SHPREAMBLE;
-       /* actual transmit length (XXX why +10?) */
-       pktlen = ZYD_TX_DESC_SIZE + 10;
-       if (sc->sc_macrev == ZYD_ZD1211)
-               pktlen += totlen;
-       desc->pktlen = htole16(pktlen);
-       desc->plcp_length = (16 * totlen + rate - 1) / rate;
-       desc->plcp_service = 0;
-       if (rate == 22) {
-               const int remainder = (16 * totlen) % 22;
-               if (remainder != 0 && remainder < 7)
-                       desc->plcp_service |= ZYD_PLCP_LENGEXT;
-       }
-       if (ieee80211_radiotap_active_vap(vap)) {
-               struct zyd_tx_radiotap_header *tap = &sc->sc_txtap;
-               tap->wt_flags = 0;
-               tap->wt_rate = rate;
-               ieee80211_radiotap_tx(vap, m0);
-       }
-           "%s: sending mgt frame len=%zu rate=%u\n",
-           device_get_nameunit(sc->sc_dev), (size_t)m0->m_pkthdr.len,
-               rate);
-       STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&sc->tx_q, data, next);
-       usb2_transfer_start(sc->sc_xfer[ZYD_BULK_WR]);
-       return (0);
+       device_printf(sc->sc_dev, "unsupported rate %d\n", rate);
+       return (0x0);
 static void
@@ -2542,7 +2440,7 @@ tr_setup:
 static int
-zyd_tx_data(struct zyd_softc *sc, struct mbuf *m0, struct ieee80211_node *ni)
+zyd_tx_start(struct zyd_softc *sc, struct mbuf *m0, struct ieee80211_node *ni)
        struct ieee80211vap *vap = ni->ni_vap;
        struct ieee80211com *ic = ni->ni_ic;
@@ -2552,24 +2450,31 @@ zyd_tx_data(struct zyd_softc *sc, struct
        const struct ieee80211_txparam *tp;
        struct ieee80211_key *k;
        int rate, totlen;
+       static uint8_t ratediv[] = ZYD_TX_RATEDIV;
+       uint8_t phy;
        uint16_t pktlen;
+       uint32_t bits;
        wh = mtod(m0, struct ieee80211_frame *);
        data = STAILQ_FIRST(&sc->tx_free);
        STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&sc->tx_free, next);
-       desc = &data->desc;
-       desc->flags = ZYD_TX_FLAG_BACKOFF;
-       tp = &vap->iv_txparms[ieee80211_chan2mode(ni->ni_chan)];
-       if (IEEE80211_IS_MULTICAST(wh->i_addr1)) {
-               rate = tp->mcastrate;
-               desc->flags |= ZYD_TX_FLAG_MULTICAST;
-       } else if (tp->ucastrate != IEEE80211_FIXED_RATE_NONE) {
-               rate = tp->ucastrate;
+       if ((wh->i_fc[0] & IEEE80211_FC0_TYPE_MASK) == IEEE80211_FC0_TYPE_MGT ||
+           (wh->i_fc[0] & IEEE80211_FC0_TYPE_MASK) == IEEE80211_FC0_TYPE_CTL) {
+               tp = &vap->iv_txparms[ieee80211_chan2mode(ic->ic_curchan)];
+               rate = tp->mgmtrate;
        } else {
-               (void) ieee80211_amrr_choose(ni, &ZYD_NODE(ni)->amn);
-               rate = ni->ni_txrate;
+               tp = &vap->iv_txparms[ieee80211_chan2mode(ni->ni_chan)];
+               /* for data frames */
+               if (IEEE80211_IS_MULTICAST(wh->i_addr1))
+                       rate = tp->mcastrate;
+               else if (tp->ucastrate != IEEE80211_FIXED_RATE_NONE)
+                       rate = tp->ucastrate;
+               else {
+                       (void) ieee80211_amrr_choose(ni, &ZYD_NODE(ni)->amn);
+                       rate = ni->ni_txrate;
+               }
        if (wh->i_fc[1] & IEEE80211_FC1_WEP) {
@@ -2584,12 +2489,23 @@ zyd_tx_data(struct zyd_softc *sc, struct
        data->ni = ni;
        data->m = m0;
-       totlen = m0->m_pkthdr.len + IEEE80211_CRC_LEN;
+       data->rate = rate;
        /* fill Tx descriptor */
+       desc = &data->desc;
+       phy = zyd_plcp_signal(sc, rate);
+       desc->phy = phy;
+       if (ZYD_RATE_IS_OFDM(rate)) {
+               desc->phy |= ZYD_TX_PHY_OFDM;
+               if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_5GHZ(ic->ic_curchan))
+                       desc->phy |= ZYD_TX_PHY_5GHZ;
+       } else if (rate != 2 && (ic->ic_flags & IEEE80211_F_SHPREAMBLE))
+               desc->phy |= ZYD_TX_PHY_SHPREAMBLE;
+       totlen = m0->m_pkthdr.len + IEEE80211_CRC_LEN;
        desc->len = htole16(totlen);
+       desc->flags = ZYD_TX_FLAG_BACKOFF;
        if (!IEEE80211_IS_MULTICAST(wh->i_addr1)) {
                /* multicast frames are not sent at OFDM rates in 802.11b/g */
                if (totlen > vap->iv_rtsthreshold) {
@@ -2601,33 +2517,34 @@ zyd_tx_data(struct zyd_softc *sc, struct
                        else if (ic->ic_protmode == IEEE80211_PROT_RTSCTS)
                                desc->flags |= ZYD_TX_FLAG_RTS;
-       }
+       } else
+               desc->flags |= ZYD_TX_FLAG_MULTICAST;
        if ((wh->i_fc[0] &
            (IEEE80211_FC0_TYPE_MASK | IEEE80211_FC0_SUBTYPE_MASK)) ==
            (IEEE80211_FC0_TYPE_CTL | IEEE80211_FC0_SUBTYPE_PS_POLL))
                desc->flags |= ZYD_TX_FLAG_TYPE(ZYD_TX_TYPE_PS_POLL);
-       desc->phy = zyd_plcp_signal(rate);
-       if (ZYD_RATE_IS_OFDM(rate)) {
-               desc->phy |= ZYD_TX_PHY_OFDM;
-               if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_5GHZ(ic->ic_curchan))
-                       desc->phy |= ZYD_TX_PHY_5GHZ;
-       } else if (rate != 2 && (ic->ic_flags & IEEE80211_F_SHPREAMBLE))
-               desc->phy |= ZYD_TX_PHY_SHPREAMBLE;
        /* actual transmit length (XXX why +10?) */
-       pktlen = sizeof(struct zyd_tx_desc) + 10;
+       pktlen = ZYD_TX_DESC_SIZE + 10;
        if (sc->sc_macrev == ZYD_ZD1211)
                pktlen += totlen;
        desc->pktlen = htole16(pktlen);
-       desc->plcp_length = (16 * totlen + rate - 1) / rate;
+       bits = (rate == 11) ? (totlen * 16) + 10 :
+           ((rate == 22) ? (totlen * 8) + 10 : (totlen * 8));
+       desc->plcp_length = bits / ratediv[phy];
        desc->plcp_service = 0;
-       if (rate == 22) {
-               const int remainder = (16 * totlen) % 22;
-               if (remainder != 0 && remainder < 7)
-                       desc->plcp_service |= ZYD_PLCP_LENGEXT;
+       if (rate == 22 && (bits % 11) > 0 && (bits % 11) <= 3)
+               desc->plcp_service |= ZYD_PLCP_LENGEXT;
+       desc->nextlen = 0;
+       if (ieee80211_radiotap_active_vap(vap)) {
+               struct zyd_tx_radiotap_header *tap = &sc->sc_txtap;
+               tap->wt_flags = 0;
+               tap->wt_rate = rate;
+               ieee80211_radiotap_tx(vap, m0);
@@ -2659,7 +2576,7 @@ zyd_start(struct ifnet *ifp)
                ni = (struct ieee80211_node *)m->m_pkthdr.rcvif;
-               if (zyd_tx_data(sc, m, ni) != 0) {
+               if (zyd_tx_start(sc, m, ni) != 0) {
@@ -2697,7 +2614,7 @@ zyd_raw_xmit(struct ieee80211_node *ni, 
         * precisely how to send the frame.
         * XXX raw path
-       if (zyd_tx_mgt(sc, m, ni) != 0) {
+       if (zyd_tx_start(sc, m, ni) != 0) {

Modified: head/sys/dev/usb/wlan/if_zydreg.h
--- head/sys/dev/usb/wlan/if_zydreg.h   Tue Jun  9 04:09:31 2009        
+++ head/sys/dev/usb/wlan/if_zydreg.h   Tue Jun  9 04:17:08 2009        
@@ -968,6 +968,12 @@
        { 0x26664, 0x20a53 }    \
+#define        ZYD_TX_RATEDIV                                                  
+{                                                                      \
+       0x1, 0x2, 0xb, 0xb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x30, 0x18, 0xc, 0x6,   \
+       0x36, 0x24, 0x12, 0x9                                           \
  * Control pipe requests.
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