Author: rmacklem
Date: Sun May 24 03:22:49 2009
New Revision: 192675

  Fix the experimental nfsv4 client so that it works for the
  case of a kerberized mount without a host based principal
  name. This will only work for mounts being done by a user
  other than root. Support for a host based principal name
  will not work until proposed changes to the rpcsec_gss part
  of the krpc are committed. It now builds for "options KGSSAPI".
  Approved by:  kib (mentor)


Modified: head/sys/fs/nfs/nfs_commonkrpc.c
--- head/sys/fs/nfs/nfs_commonkrpc.c    Sun May 24 01:18:56 2009        
+++ head/sys/fs/nfs/nfs_commonkrpc.c    Sun May 24 03:22:49 2009        
@@ -341,7 +341,9 @@ nfs_getauth(struct nfssockreq *nrp, int 
                        auth = NULL;
-               return (auth);
+               if (auth != NULL)
+                       return (auth);
+               /* fallthrough */
 #endif /* KGSSAPI */
        case AUTH_SYS:
@@ -402,7 +404,7 @@ newnfs_request(struct nfsrv_descript *nd
        u_int32_t *tl;
        time_t waituntil;
-       int i, j;
+       int i, j, set_uid = 0;
        int trycnt, error = 0, usegssname = 0, secflavour = AUTH_SYS;
        u_int16_t procnum;
        u_int trylater_delay = 1;
@@ -413,6 +415,7 @@ newnfs_request(struct nfsrv_descript *nd
        enum clnt_stat stat;
        struct nfsreq *rep = NULL;
        char *srv_principal = NULL;
+       uid_t saved_uid = (uid_t)-1;
        if (xidp != NULL)
                *xidp = 0;
@@ -423,6 +426,14 @@ newnfs_request(struct nfsrv_descript *nd
+        * XXX if not already connected call nfs_connect now. Longer
+        * term, change nfs_mount to call nfs_connect unconditionally
+        * and let clnt_reconnect_create handle reconnects.
+        */
+       if (nrp->nr_client == NULL)
+               newnfs_connect(nmp, nrp, cred, td, 0);
+       /*
         * For a client side mount, nmp is != NULL and clp == NULL. For
         * server calls (callbacks or upcalls), nmp == NULL.
@@ -442,8 +453,30 @@ newnfs_request(struct nfsrv_descript *nd
             nd->nd_procnum != NFSPROC_NULL) {
                if (NFSHASALLGSSNAME(nmp) && nmp->nm_krbnamelen > 0)
                        nd->nd_flag |= ND_USEGSSNAME;
-               if ((nd->nd_flag & ND_USEGSSNAME) && nmp->nm_krbnamelen > 0)
-                       usegssname = 1;
+               if ((nd->nd_flag & ND_USEGSSNAME) != 0) {
+                       /*
+                        * If there is a client side host based credential,
+                        * use that, otherwise use the system uid, if set.
+                        */
+                       if (nmp->nm_krbnamelen > 0) {
+                               usegssname = 1;
+                       } else if (nmp->nm_uid != (uid_t)-1) {
+                               saved_uid = cred->cr_uid;
+                               cred->cr_uid = nmp->nm_uid;
+                               set_uid = 1;
+                       }
+               } else if (nmp->nm_krbnamelen == 0 &&
+                   nmp->nm_uid != (uid_t)-1 && cred->cr_uid == (uid_t)0) {
+                       /*
+                        * If there is no host based principal name and
+                        * the system uid is set and this is root, use the
+                        * system uid, since root won't have user
+                        * credentials in a credentials cache file.
+                        */
+                       saved_uid = cred->cr_uid;
+                       cred->cr_uid = nmp->nm_uid;
+                       set_uid = 1;
+               }
                if (NFSHASINTEGRITY(nmp))
                        secflavour = RPCSEC_GSS_KRB5I;
                else if (NFSHASPRIVACY(nmp))
@@ -462,14 +495,6 @@ newnfs_request(struct nfsrv_descript *nd
-       /*
-        * XXX if not already connected call nfs_connect now. Longer
-        * term, change nfs_mount to call nfs_connect unconditionally
-        * and let clnt_reconnect_create handle reconnects.
-        */
-       if (nrp->nr_client == NULL)
-               newnfs_connect(nmp, nrp, cred, td, 0);
        if (nd->nd_procnum == NFSPROC_NULL)
                auth = authnone_create();
        else if (usegssname)
@@ -478,6 +503,8 @@ newnfs_request(struct nfsrv_descript *nd
                auth = nfs_getauth(nrp, secflavour, NULL,
                    srv_principal, NULL, cred);
+       if (set_uid)
+               cred->cr_uid = saved_uid;
        if (auth == NULL) {
                return (EACCES);

Modified: head/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clvfsops.c
--- head/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clvfsops.c        Sun May 24 01:18:56 2009        
+++ head/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clvfsops.c        Sun May 24 03:22:49 2009        
@@ -1062,20 +1062,20 @@ mountnfs(struct nfs_args *argp, struct m
                nmp->nm_krbnamelen = argp->krbnamelen;
                nmp->nm_dirpathlen = argp->dirlen;
                nmp->nm_srvkrbnamelen = argp->srvkrbnamelen;
-               if (nmp->nm_dirpathlen > 0) {
+               if (td->td_ucred->cr_uid != (uid_t)0) {
-                        * Since we will be doing dirpath as root,
-                        * set nm_uid to the real uid doing the mount,
-                        * since that is normally the user with a valid TGT.
+                        * nm_uid is used to get KerberosV credentials for
+                        * the nfsv4 state handling operations if there is
+                        * no host based principal set. Use the uid of
+                        * this user if not root, since they are doing the
+                        * mount. I don't think setting this for root will
+                        * work, since root normally does not have user
+                        * credentials in a credentials cache.
-                       nmp->nm_uid = td->td_ucred->cr_ruid;
+                       nmp->nm_uid = td->td_ucred->cr_uid;
                } else {
-                        * Just set to -1, so the first Op
-                        * will set it later, to the uid of
-                        * the process doing that (usually
-                        * from a first open in the mount
-                        * point).
+                        * Just set to -1, so it won't be used.
                        nmp->nm_uid = (uid_t)-1;
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