On Friday 22 May 2009 10:32:43 am Rick Macklem wrote:
> On Fri, 22 May 2009, Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
> > Rick Macklem <rmack...@freebsd.org> writes:
> >> Log:
> >>   Although it should never happen, all the nfsv4 server can do
> >>   when it runs out of clientids is reboot. I had replaced cpu_reboot()
> >>   with printf(), since cpu_reboot() doesn't exist for sparc64.
> >>   This change replaces the printf() with panic(), so the reboot
> >>   would occur for this highly unlikely occurrence.
> >
> > Regardless of how improbable this is, wouldn't it be better (and
> > simpler) to just log an error message and deny further mount requests?
> >
> Well, it this really is an issue I can just take the check for the
> wraparound out and let it continue on.
> Why?
> Because the likelyhood of a clientid issued 4billion time ago (many
> many years aka centuries, in practice) being for a client that still
> exists and hasn't rebooted or re-acquired a more recent clientid is
> essentialy 0 as well.
> In case you haven't done the calculation, 4billion seconds is 136 years.
> Since I cannot image a server seeing anything close to 1 new clientid/sec
> over an extended period (there could be a burst just after booting), the
> wraparound will take centuries to happen (maybe highly unlikely wasn't a
> strong enough term).
> Just don't worry about it, rick

What about a malicious denial-of-service attack where a malicious client 
initiates an endless stream of connection attempts to force a panic?  I think 
that is where the concern lies.  I'm sure a malicious client could do it 
intentionally in less than 136 years, perhaps on the order of seconds and/or 
minutes? :)

John Baldwin
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