Author: kmacy
Date: Mon Apr 20 16:16:43 2009
New Revision: 191324

  simplify code by removing bit_fns and replacing with the use of a temporary 


Modified: head/sys/net/flowtable.c
--- head/sys/net/flowtable.c    Mon Apr 20 16:05:16 2009        (r191323)
+++ head/sys/net/flowtable.c    Mon Apr 20 16:16:43 2009        (r191324)
@@ -300,9 +300,11 @@ struct flowtable {
        fl_rtalloc_t    *ft_rtalloc;
        struct mtx      *ft_locks;
-       struct flowtable *ft_next;
        union flentryp  ft_table;
        bitstr_t        *ft_masks[MAXCPU];
+       bitstr_t        *ft_tmpmask;
+       struct flowtable *ft_next;
 static struct proc *flowcleanerproc;
@@ -317,6 +319,7 @@ static uma_zone_t ipv6_zone;
  *   to avoid extra cache evictions caused by incrementing a shared
  *   counter
  * - add IPv6 support to flow lookup
+ * - add sysctls to resize && flush flow tables 
  * - Add per flowtable sysctls for statistics and configuring timeouts
  * - add saturation counter to rtentry to support per-packet load-balancing
  *   add flag to indicate round-robin flow, add list lookup from head
@@ -872,6 +875,7 @@ flowtable_alloc(int nentry, int flags)
                ft->ft_masks[0] = bit_alloc(nentry);
+       ft->ft_tmpmask = bit_alloc(nentry);
         * In the local transmit case the table truly is 
@@ -888,6 +892,7 @@ flowtable_alloc(int nentry, int flags)
                    ft->ft_syn_idle = ft->ft_tcp_idle = 30;
         * hook in to the cleaner list
@@ -936,65 +941,24 @@ fle_free(struct flentry *fle)
        uma_zfree((fle->f_flags & FL_IPV6) ? ipv6_zone : ipv4_zone, fle);
- * Find the next bit set where lastbit is the last bit index 
- * that was set, mask is a pointer to a uint8_t that stores
- * the current temporary mask because the caller can't clear
- * bits in name and the lookup granularity is 1 byte
- *
- * This could be improved (4x reduction in overhead) for the sparse
- * case by replacing bit_ffs with a more efficient function that works
- * at the 4-byte granularity and change *mask to a uint32_t
- * 
- */
-static __inline int
-bit_fns(bitstr_t *name, int nbits, int lastbit, uint8_t *mask)
-       bitstr_t *bitstr_start = &name[lastbit/8];
-       int value = 0;
-       int bitsleft = nbits - lastbit;
-       if (bitsleft <= 0)
-               return (-1);
-       /*
-        * Note that not only is bit_ffs inefficient, 
-        * but it doesn't call the first bit set 1
-        */
-       if ((lastbit & 0x7) == 0) {
-               bit_ffs(bitstr_start, bitsleft, &value);
-               *mask = *bitstr_start;
-               if (value > 0)
-                       bit_clear(mask, value);
-       } else {
-               bit_ffs(mask, 8, &value);
-               if (value == -1 && bitsleft > 8) {
-                       lastbit = (lastbit & ~0x7) + 8;
-                       bit_ffs((bitstr_start + 1),
-                           ((bitsleft - 1) & ~0x7), &value);
-                       if (value > 0) {
-                               *mask = (bitstr_start + 1)[value/8];
-                               bit_clear(mask, (value % 8));
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       bit_clear(mask, value);
-               }
-       }
-       return (value > 0) ? (value + lastbit) : (-1);
 static void
 flowtable_free_stale(struct flowtable *ft)
        int curbit = 0, count;
        struct flentry *fle,  **flehead, *fleprev;
        struct flentry *flefreehead, *flefreetail, *fletmp;
-       bitstr_t *mask;
-       uint8_t mask_tmp;
+       bitstr_t *mask, *tmpmask;
        flefreehead = flefreetail = NULL;
        mask = flowtable_mask(ft);
-       while ((curbit = bit_fns(mask, ft->ft_size, curbit, &mask_tmp)) != -1) {
+       tmpmask = ft->ft_tmpmask;
+       memcpy(tmpmask, mask, ft->ft_size/8);
+       /*
+        * XXX Note to self, bit_ffs operates at the byte level
+        * and thus adds gratuitous overhead
+        */
+       bit_ffs(tmpmask, ft->ft_size, &curbit);
+       while (curbit != -1) {
                if (curbit >= ft->ft_size || curbit < -1) {
                            "warning: bad curbit value %d \n",
@@ -1050,7 +1014,8 @@ flowtable_free_stale(struct flowtable *f
                if (*flehead == NULL)
                        bit_clear(mask, curbit);
                FL_ENTRY_UNLOCK(ft, curbit);
-               curbit++;
+               bit_clear(tmpmask, curbit);
+               bit_ffs(tmpmask, ft->ft_size, &curbit);
        count = 0;
        while ((fle = flefreehead) != NULL) {
@@ -1074,10 +1039,7 @@ flowtable_cleaner(void)
        while (1) {
                ft = flow_list_head;
                while (ft != NULL) {
-                       if ((ft->ft_flags & FL_PCPU) == 0) {
-                               flowtable_free_stale(ft);
-                       } else {
+                       if (ft->ft_flags & FL_PCPU) {
                                for (i = 0; i <= mp_maxid; i++) {
                                        if (CPU_ABSENT(i))
@@ -1092,6 +1054,8 @@ flowtable_cleaner(void)
+                       } else {
+                               flowtable_free_stale(ft);
                        ft = ft->ft_next;
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