Author: kientzle
Date: Fri Apr 17 00:50:00 2009
New Revision: 191171

  Don't use the open callback, which is deprecated (because it's
  never necessary).  Also, simplify just a tad by delegating
  to read_open_fd() when we know the file descriptor, instead
  of duplicating that logic.


Modified: head/lib/libarchive/archive_read_open_fd.c
--- head/lib/libarchive/archive_read_open_fd.c  Fri Apr 17 00:47:16 2009        
+++ head/lib/libarchive/archive_read_open_fd.c  Fri Apr 17 00:50:00 2009        
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ struct read_fd_data {
 static int     file_close(struct archive *, void *);
-static int     file_open(struct archive *, void *);
 static ssize_t file_read(struct archive *, void *, const void **buff);
 static ssize_t file_skip(struct archive *, void *, size_t request);
@@ -63,50 +62,41 @@ static off_t        file_skip(struct archive *,
 archive_read_open_fd(struct archive *a, int fd, size_t block_size)
+       struct stat st;
        struct read_fd_data *mine;
+       void *b;
-       mine = (struct read_fd_data *)malloc(sizeof(*mine));
-       if (mine == NULL) {
-               archive_set_error(a, ENOMEM, "No memory");
+       if (fstat(fd, &st) != 0) {
+               archive_set_error(a, errno, "Can't stat fd %d", fd);
                return (ARCHIVE_FATAL);
-       mine->block_size = block_size;
-       mine->buffer = malloc(mine->block_size);
-       if (mine->buffer == NULL) {
+       mine = (struct read_fd_data *)malloc(sizeof(*mine));
+       b = malloc(block_size);
+       if (mine == NULL || b == NULL) {
                archive_set_error(a, ENOMEM, "No memory");
+               free(b);
                return (ARCHIVE_FATAL);
+       mine->block_size = block_size;
+       mine->buffer = b;
        mine->fd = fd;
-       /* lseek() hardly ever works, so disable it by default.  See below. */
-       mine->can_skip = 0;
-       return (archive_read_open2(a, mine, file_open, file_read, file_skip, 
-static int
-file_open(struct archive *a, void *client_data)
-       struct read_fd_data *mine = (struct read_fd_data *)client_data;
-       struct stat st;
-       if (fstat(mine->fd, &st) != 0) {
-               archive_set_error(a, errno, "Can't stat fd %d", mine->fd);
-               return (ARCHIVE_FATAL);
-       }
+       /*
+        * Skip support is a performance optimization for anything
+        * that supports lseek().  On FreeBSD, only regular files and
+        * raw disk devices support lseek() and there's no portable
+        * way to determine if a device is a raw disk device, so we
+        * only enable this optimization for regular files.
+        */
        if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
                archive_read_extract_set_skip_file(a, st.st_dev, st.st_ino);
-               /*
-                * Enabling skip here is a performance optimization for
-                * anything that supports lseek().  On FreeBSD, only
-                * regular files and raw disk devices support lseek() and
-                * there's no portable way to determine if a device is
-                * a raw disk device, so we only enable this optimization
-                * for regular files.
-                */
                mine->can_skip = 1;
-       }
-       return (ARCHIVE_OK);
+       } else
+               mine->can_skip = 0;
+       return (archive_read_open2(a, mine,
+               NULL, file_read, file_skip, file_close));
 static ssize_t
@@ -180,8 +170,7 @@ file_close(struct archive *a, void *clie
        struct read_fd_data *mine = (struct read_fd_data *)client_data;
        (void)a; /* UNUSED */
-       if (mine->buffer != NULL)
-               free(mine->buffer);
+       free(mine->buffer);
        return (ARCHIVE_OK);

Modified: head/lib/libarchive/archive_read_open_file.c
--- head/lib/libarchive/archive_read_open_file.c        Fri Apr 17 00:47:16 
2009        (r191170)
+++ head/lib/libarchive/archive_read_open_file.c        Fri Apr 17 00:50:00 
2009        (r191171)
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ struct read_FILE_data {
 static int     file_close(struct archive *, void *);
-static int     file_open(struct archive *, void *);
 static ssize_t file_read(struct archive *, void *, const void **buff);
 static ssize_t file_skip(struct archive *, void *, size_t request);
@@ -66,45 +65,36 @@ static off_t        file_skip(struct archive *,
 archive_read_open_FILE(struct archive *a, FILE *f)
+       struct stat st;
        struct read_FILE_data *mine;
+       size_t block_size = 128 * 1024;
+       void *b;
        mine = (struct read_FILE_data *)malloc(sizeof(*mine));
-       if (mine == NULL) {
-               archive_set_error(a, ENOMEM, "No memory");
-               return (ARCHIVE_FATAL);
-       }
-       mine->block_size = 128 * 1024;
-       mine->buffer = malloc(mine->block_size);
-       if (mine->buffer == NULL) {
+       b = malloc(block_size);
+       if (mine == NULL || b == NULL) {
                archive_set_error(a, ENOMEM, "No memory");
+               free(b);
                return (ARCHIVE_FATAL);
+       mine->block_size = block_size;
+       mine->buffer = b;
        mine->f = f;
-       /* Suppress skip by default. See below. */
-       mine->can_skip = 0;
-       return (archive_read_open2(a, mine, file_open, file_read,
-                   file_skip, file_close));
-static int
-file_open(struct archive *a, void *client_data)
-       struct read_FILE_data *mine = (struct read_FILE_data *)client_data;
-       struct stat st;
-        * If we can't fstat() the file, it may just be that
-        * it's not a file.  (FILE * objects can wrap many kinds
-        * of I/O streams.)
+        * If we can't fstat() the file, it may just be that it's not
+        * a file.  (FILE * objects can wrap many kinds of I/O
+        * streams, some of which don't support fileno()).)
        if (fstat(fileno(mine->f), &st) == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
                archive_read_extract_set_skip_file(a, st.st_dev, st.st_ino);
-               /* Enable the seek optimization for regular files. */
+               /* Enable the seek optimization only for regular files. */
                mine->can_skip = 1;
-       }
+       } else
+               mine->can_skip = 0;
-       return (ARCHIVE_OK);
+       return (archive_read_open2(a, mine, NULL, file_read,
+                   file_skip, file_close));
 static ssize_t

Modified: head/lib/libarchive/archive_read_open_filename.c
--- head/lib/libarchive/archive_read_open_filename.c    Fri Apr 17 00:47:16 
2009        (r191170)
+++ head/lib/libarchive/archive_read_open_filename.c    Fri Apr 17 00:50:00 
2009        (r191171)
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ struct read_file_data {
 static int     file_close(struct archive *, void *);
-static int     file_open(struct archive *, void *);
 static ssize_t file_read(struct archive *, void *, const void **buff);
 static ssize_t file_skip(struct archive *, void *, size_t request);
@@ -80,78 +79,54 @@ int
 archive_read_open_filename(struct archive *a, const char *filename,
     size_t block_size)
+       struct stat st;
        struct read_file_data *mine;
+       void *b;
+       int fd;
-       if (filename == NULL || filename[0] == '\0') {
-               mine = (struct read_file_data *)malloc(sizeof(*mine));
-               if (mine == NULL) {
-                       archive_set_error(a, ENOMEM, "No memory");
-                       return (ARCHIVE_FATAL);
-               }
-               mine->filename[0] = '\0';
-       } else {
-               mine = (struct read_file_data *)malloc(sizeof(*mine) + 
-               if (mine == NULL) {
-                       archive_set_error(a, ENOMEM, "No memory");
-                       return (ARCHIVE_FATAL);
-               }
-               strcpy(mine->filename, filename);
-       }
-       mine->block_size = block_size;
-       mine->buffer = NULL;
-       mine->fd = -1;
-       /* lseek() almost never works; disable it by default.  See below. */
-       mine->can_skip = 0;
-       return (archive_read_open2(a, mine, file_open, file_read, file_skip, 
+       if (filename == NULL || filename[0] == '\0')
+               return (archive_read_open_fd(a, 0, block_size));
-static int
-file_open(struct archive *a, void *client_data)
-       struct read_file_data *mine = (struct read_file_data *)client_data;
-       struct stat st;
-       mine->buffer = malloc(mine->block_size);
-       if (mine->buffer == NULL) {
-               archive_set_error(a, ENOMEM, "No memory");
+       fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
+       if (fd < 0) {
+               archive_set_error(a, errno, "Failed to open '%s'", filename);
                return (ARCHIVE_FATAL);
-       if (mine->filename[0] != '\0')
-               mine->fd = open(mine->filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
-       else
-               mine->fd = 0; /* Fake "open" for stdin. */
-       if (mine->fd < 0) {
-               archive_set_error(a, errno, "Failed to open '%s'",
-                   mine->filename);
+       if (fstat(fd, &st) != 0) {
+               archive_set_error(a, errno, "Can't stat '%s'", filename);
                return (ARCHIVE_FATAL);
-       if (fstat(mine->fd, &st) == 0) {
-               /* If we're reading a file from disk, ensure that we don't
-                  overwrite it with an extracted file. */
-               if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
-                       archive_read_extract_set_skip_file(a, st.st_dev, 
-                       /*
-                        * Enabling skip here is a performance
-                        * optimization for anything that supports
-                        * lseek().  On FreeBSD, only regular files
-                        * and raw disk devices support lseek() and
-                        * there's no portable way to determine if a
-                        * device is a raw disk device, so we only
-                        * enable this optimization for regular files.
-                        */
-                       mine->can_skip = 1;
-               }
-               /* Remember mode so close can decide whether to flush. */
-               mine->st_mode = st.st_mode;
-       } else {
-               if (mine->filename[0] == '\0')
-                       archive_set_error(a, errno, "Can't stat stdin");
-               else
-                       archive_set_error(a, errno, "Can't stat '%s'",
-                           mine->filename);
+       mine = (struct read_file_data *)malloc(sizeof(*mine) + 
+       b = malloc(block_size);
+       if (mine == NULL || b == NULL) {
+               archive_set_error(a, ENOMEM, "No memory");
+               free(mine);
+               free(b);
                return (ARCHIVE_FATAL);
-       return (0);
+       strcpy(mine->filename, filename);
+       mine->block_size = block_size;
+       mine->buffer = b;
+       mine->fd = fd;
+       /* Remember mode so close can decide whether to flush. */
+       mine->st_mode = st.st_mode;
+       /* If we're reading a file from disk, ensure that we don't
+          overwrite it with an extracted file. */
+       if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+               archive_read_extract_set_skip_file(a, st.st_dev, st.st_ino);
+               /*
+                * Skip is a performance optimization for anything
+                * that supports lseek().  Generally, that only
+                * includes regular files and possibly raw disk
+                * devices, but there's no good portable way to detect
+                * raw disks.
+                */
+               mine->can_skip = 1;
+       } else
+               mine->can_skip = 0;
+       return (archive_read_open2(a, mine,
+               NULL, file_read, file_skip, file_close));
 static ssize_t
@@ -163,11 +138,8 @@ file_read(struct archive *a, void *clien
        *buff = mine->buffer;
        bytes_read = read(mine->fd, mine->buffer, mine->block_size);
        if (bytes_read < 0) {
-               if (mine->filename[0] == '\0')
-                       archive_set_error(a, errno, "Error reading stdin");
-               else
-                       archive_set_error(a, errno, "Error reading '%s'",
-                           mine->filename);
+               archive_set_error(a, errno, "Error reading '%s'",
+                   mine->filename);
        return (bytes_read);
@@ -217,15 +189,8 @@ file_skip(struct archive *a, void *clien
                 * likely caused by a programmer error (too large request)
                 * or a corrupted archive file.
-               if (mine->filename[0] == '\0')
-                       /*
-                        * Should never get here, since lseek() on stdin ought
-                        * to return an ESPIPE error.
-                        */
-                       archive_set_error(a, errno, "Error seeking in stdin");
-               else
-                       archive_set_error(a, errno, "Error seeking in '%s'",
-                           mine->filename);
+               archive_set_error(a, errno, "Error seeking in '%s'",
+                   mine->filename);
                return (-1);
        return (new_offset - old_offset);
@@ -259,9 +224,7 @@ file_close(struct archive *a, void *clie
                        } while (bytesRead > 0);
-               /* If a named file was opened, then it needs to be closed. */
-               if (mine->filename[0] != '\0')
-                       close(mine->fd);
+               close(mine->fd);
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