Edward Tomasz Napierala wrote:
Author: trasz
Date: Tue Apr 14 11:39:56 2009
New Revision: 191055
URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/191055

  There is no way for strmode(3) to append '+' if the file has ACL,
  because there is no way to figure that out based on the file mode
  itself.  Make the manual page match reality.

Yep, that '+' is why libarchive has a custom strmode()
that accepts more information than just the mode.

A related issue:  It would be really nice to be
able to find out whether a file had extended ACLs
or extended attributes based on the information
returned from stat(2).  That would allow programs
like tar to avoid a fair number of system calls.
Even just a single bit "HAS_EXTENSIONS" would help
a lot, since most files don't have any extended
ACLs or extended attributes.  It would also allow
users of strmode() (such as ls) to insert that '+'
sign themselves.

The only place I see to do this is to appropriate
some bits from st_flags.

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