Author: rrs
Date: Mon Apr  6 10:09:20 2009
New Revision: 190758

  Class based addressing went out in the early 90's. Basically
  if a entry is not route add -net xxx/bits then we should use
  the addr (xxx) to establish the number of bits by looking at
  the first non-zero bit. So if we enter
  route add -net
  this is the same as doing
  route add -net
  Since the 8th bit (zero counting) is set to 1 we set bits
  to 32-8.
  Users can of course still use the /x to change this behavior
  or in cases where the network is in the trailing part
  of the address, a "netmask" argument can be supplied to
  override what is established from the interpretation of the
  address itself. e.g:
  route add -net -netmask 0xff00ffff
  should overide and place the proper CIDR mask in place.
  PR:           131365
  MFC after:    1 week


Modified: head/sbin/route/route.c
--- head/sbin/route/route.c     Mon Apr  6 07:13:26 2009        (r190757)
+++ head/sbin/route/route.c     Mon Apr  6 10:09:20 2009        (r190758)
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ newroute(argc, argv)
 #ifdef INET6
                if (af == AF_INET6) {
                        rtm_addrs &= ~RTA_NETMASK;
-                       memset((void *)&so_mask, 0, sizeof(so_mask));
+                               memset((void *)&so_mask, 0, sizeof(so_mask));
@@ -803,21 +803,22 @@ inet_makenetandmask(net, sin, bits)
                addr = net << IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT;
                addr = net;
-       if (bits != 0)
-               mask = 0xffffffff << (32 - bits);
-       else if (net == 0)
-               mask = 0;
-       else if (IN_CLASSA(addr))
-               mask = IN_CLASSA_NET;
-       else if (IN_CLASSB(addr))
-               mask = IN_CLASSB_NET;
-       else if (IN_CLASSC(addr))
-               mask = IN_CLASSC_NET;
-       else if (IN_MULTICAST(addr))
-               mask = IN_CLASSD_NET;
-       else
-               mask = 0xffffffff;
+       /*
+        * If no /xx was specified we must cacluate the 
+        * CIDR address.
+        */
+       if ((bits == 0)  && (addr != 0)) {
+               int i, j;
+               for(i=0,j=1; i<32; i++)  {
+                       if (addr & j) {
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       j <<= 1;
+               }
+               /* i holds the first non zero bit */
+               bits = 32 - i;  
+       }
+       mask = 0xffffffff << (32 - bits);
        sin->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(addr);
        sin = &so_mask.sin;
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