Author: mav
Date: Sun Jan 18 21:09:34 2009
New Revision: 187410

  If source mbuf chain consists of only one mbuf, use it directly as source
  buffer to avoid extra copying.


Modified: head/sys/netgraph/ng_mppc.c
--- head/sys/netgraph/ng_mppc.c Sun Jan 18 20:19:55 2009        (r187409)
+++ head/sys/netgraph/ng_mppc.c Sun Jan 18 21:09:34 2009        (r187410)
@@ -489,22 +489,29 @@ ng_mppc_compress(node_p node, struct mbu
        if ((d->cfg.bits & MPPC_BIT) != 0) {
                u_short flags = MPPC_MANDATORY_COMPRESS_FLAGS;
                u_char *inbuf, *outbuf;
-               int outlen, inlen;
+               int outlen, inlen, ina;
                u_char *source, *dest;
                u_long sourceCnt, destCnt;
                int rtn;
                /* Work with contiguous regions of memory. */
                inlen = m->m_pkthdr.len;
-               inbuf = malloc(inlen, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC, M_NOWAIT);
-               if (inbuf == NULL)
-                       goto err1;
-               m_copydata(m, 0, inlen, (caddr_t)inbuf);
+               if (m->m_next == NULL) {
+                       inbuf = mtod(m, u_char *);
+                       ina = 0;
+               } else {
+                       inbuf = malloc(inlen, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC, M_NOWAIT);
+                       if (inbuf == NULL)
+                               goto err1;
+                       m_copydata(m, 0, inlen, (caddr_t)inbuf);
+                       ina = 1;
+               }
                outlen = MPPC_MAX_BLOWUP(inlen);
                outbuf = malloc(outlen, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC, M_NOWAIT);
                if (outbuf == NULL) {
-                       free(inbuf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
+                       if (ina)
+                               free(inbuf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
@@ -544,7 +551,8 @@ err1:
                d->flushed = (rtn & MPPC_EXPANDED) != 0
                    || (flags & MPPC_SAVE_HISTORY) == 0;
-               free(inbuf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
+               if (ina)
+                       free(inbuf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
                free(outbuf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
                /* Check mbuf chain reload result. */
@@ -731,36 +739,43 @@ failed:
        /* Decompress packet */
        if ((header & MPPC_FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0) {
                int flags = MPPC_MANDATORY_DECOMPRESS_FLAGS;
-               u_char *decompbuf, *source, *dest;
+               u_char *inbuf, *outbuf;
+               int inlen, outlen, ina;
+               u_char *source, *dest;
                u_long sourceCnt, destCnt;
-               int decomplen, rtn;
-               u_char *buf;
-               int len;
+               int rtn;
                /* Copy payload into a contiguous region of memory. */
-               len = m->m_pkthdr.len;
-               buf = malloc(len, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC, M_NOWAIT);
-               if (buf == NULL) {
-                       m_freem(m);
-                       return (ENOMEM);
+               inlen = m->m_pkthdr.len;
+               if (m->m_next == NULL) {
+                       inbuf = mtod(m, u_char *);
+                       ina = 0;
+               } else {
+                       inbuf = malloc(inlen, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC, M_NOWAIT);
+                       if (inbuf == NULL) {
+                               m_freem(m);
+                               return (ENOMEM);
+                       }
+                       m_copydata(m, 0, inlen, (caddr_t)inbuf);
+                       ina = 1;
-               m_copydata(m, 0, len, (caddr_t)buf);
                /* Allocate a buffer for decompressed data */
-               decompbuf = malloc(MPPC_DECOMP_BUFSIZE + MPPC_DECOMP_SAFETY,
+               outbuf = malloc(MPPC_DECOMP_BUFSIZE + MPPC_DECOMP_SAFETY,
                    M_NETGRAPH_MPPC, M_NOWAIT);
-               if (decompbuf == NULL) {
+               if (outbuf == NULL) {
-                       free(buf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
+                       if (ina)
+                               free(inbuf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
                        return (ENOMEM);
-               decomplen = MPPC_DECOMP_BUFSIZE;
+               outlen = MPPC_DECOMP_BUFSIZE;
                /* Prepare to decompress */
-               source = buf;
-               sourceCnt = len;
-               dest = decompbuf;
-               destCnt = decomplen;
+               source = inbuf;
+               sourceCnt = inlen;
+               dest = outbuf;
+               destCnt = outlen;
                if ((header & MPPC_FLAG_RESTART) != 0)
                        flags |= MPPC_RESTART_HISTORY;
@@ -774,22 +789,24 @@ failed:
                    || (rtn & MPPC_DECOMP_OK) != MPPC_DECOMP_OK) {
                        log(LOG_ERR, "%s: decomp returned 0x%x",
                            __func__, rtn);
-                       free(buf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
-                       free(decompbuf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
+                       if (ina)
+                               free(inbuf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
+                       free(outbuf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
                        goto failed;
                /* Replace compressed data with decompressed data */
-               free(buf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
-               len = decomplen - destCnt;
+               if (ina)
+                       free(inbuf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
+               outlen -= destCnt;
-               m_copyback(m, 0, len, (caddr_t)decompbuf);
-               if (m->m_pkthdr.len < len) {
+               m_copyback(m, 0, outlen, (caddr_t)outbuf);
+               if (m->m_pkthdr.len < outlen) {
                        m = NULL;
-               } else if (len < m->m_pkthdr.len)
-                       m_adj(m, len - m->m_pkthdr.len);
-               free(decompbuf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
+               } else if (outlen < m->m_pkthdr.len)
+                       m_adj(m, outlen - m->m_pkthdr.len);
+               free(outbuf, M_NETGRAPH_MPPC);
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