Author: jeff
Date: Sat Jan 17 11:19:15 2009
New Revision: 187359

   - Add a new source configuration menu option that allows hiding and
     displaying sources.
   - Add functions to the main SchedGraph to facilitate source hiding.  The
     source is simply moved off screen and all other sources are moved to


Modified: head/tools/sched/
--- head/tools/sched/      Sat Jan 17 07:24:25 2009        
+++ head/tools/sched/      Sat Jan 17 11:19:15 2009        
@@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ from Tkinter import *
 # To do:
 # Add a per-source summary display
-# Click to move.
-# Hide rows
 # "Vertical rule" to help relate data in different rows
 # Mouse-over popup of full thread/event/row label (currently truncated)
 # More visible anchors for popup event windows
@@ -294,6 +292,118 @@ class ColorConfigure(Toplevel):
                for item in self.types:
+class SourceConf(Frame):
+       def __init__(self, master, source):
+               Frame.__init__(self, master)
+               if (source.hidden == 1):
+                       enabled = 0
+               else:
+                       enabled = 1
+               self.source = source
+      =
+               self.enabled = IntVar()
+               self.enabled_default = enabled
+               self.enabled_current = enabled
+               self.enabled.set(enabled)
+               self.draw()
+       def draw(self):
+               self.label = Label(self,, anchor=W)
+               self.checkbox = Checkbutton(self, text="enabled",
+                   variable=self.enabled)
+               self.label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W)
+               self.checkbox.grid(row=0, column=1)
+               self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
+       def apply(self):
+               echange = 0
+               if (self.enabled_current != self.enabled.get()):
+                       echange = 1
+               self.enabled_current = self.enabled.get()
+               if (echange != 0):
+                       if (self.enabled_current):
+                               graph.sourceshow(self.source)
+                       else:
+                               graph.sourcehide(self.source)
+                       return
+       def revert(self):
+               self.enabled.set(self.enabled_default)
+       def check(self):
+               self.enabled.set(1)
+       def uncheck(self):
+               self.enabled.set(0)
+class SourceConfigure(Toplevel):
+       def __init__(self):
+               Toplevel.__init__(self)
+               self.resizable(0, 0)
+               self.title("Source Configuration")
+               self.items = []
+               self.iframe = Frame(self)
+               self.iframe.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W)
+               f = LabelFrame(self.iframe, bd=4, text="Sources")
+               self.items.append(f)
+               self.buttons = Frame(self)
+               self.items[0].grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W)
+               self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
+               self.sconfig = []
+               self.irow = 0
+               self.icol = 0
+               for source in sources:
+                       self.addsource(source)
+               self.drawbuttons()
+               self.buttons.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)
+       def addsource(self, source):
+               if (self.irow > 30):
+                       self.icol += 1
+                       self.irow = 0
+                       c = self.icol
+                       f = LabelFrame(self.iframe, bd=4, text="Sources")
+                       f.grid(row=0, column=c, sticky=N+E+W)
+                       self.items.append(f)
+               item = SourceConf(self.items[self.icol], source)
+               self.sconfig.append(item)
+               item.grid(row=self.irow, column=0, sticky=E+W)
+               self.irow += 1
+       def drawbuttons(self):
+               self.apply = Button(self.buttons, text="Apply",
+                   command=self.apress)
+               self.default = Button(self.buttons, text="Revert",
+                   command=self.rpress)
+               self.checkall = Button(self.buttons, text="Check All",
+                   command=self.cpress)
+               self.uncheckall = Button(self.buttons, text="Uncheck All",
+                   command=self.upress)
+               self.checkall.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
+               self.uncheckall.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W)
+               self.apply.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=W)
+               self.default.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=W)
+               self.buttons.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
+               self.buttons.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
+               self.buttons.columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
+               self.buttons.columnconfigure(3, weight=1)
+       def apress(self):
+               for item in self.sconfig:
+                       item.apply()
+       def rpress(self):
+               for item in self.sconfig:
+                       item.revert()
+       def cpress(self):
+               for item in self.sconfig:
+                       item.check()
+       def upress(self):
+               for item in self.sconfig:
+                       item.uncheck()
 class EventView(Toplevel):
        def __init__(self, event, canvas):
@@ -561,6 +671,7 @@ class EventSource:
       = group
                self.y = 0
                self.item = None
+               self.hidden = 0
        def __cmp__(self, other):
                if (other == None):
@@ -900,6 +1011,10 @@ class SchedNames(Canvas):
                self.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.master.mouserelease);
                self.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.master.mousemotion);
+       def updatescroll(self):
+               self.configure(scrollregion=(0, 0,
+                   self["width"], self.display.ysize()))
 class SchedDisplay(Canvas):
        def __init__(self, master):
@@ -990,7 +1105,9 @@ class SchedDisplay(Canvas):
        def ysize(self):
                ysize = 0
                for source in sources:
-                       ysize += source.ysize() + (self.bdheight * 2)
+                       if (source.hidden == 1):
+                               continue
+                       ysize += self.parent.sourcesize(source)
                return ysize
        def scaleset(self, ratio):
@@ -1001,13 +1118,16 @@ class SchedDisplay(Canvas):
                midpoint = xstart + ((xend - xstart) / 2)
                self.ratio = ratio
-               self.configure(scrollregion=(0, 0, self.xsize(), self.ysize()))
+               self.updatescroll()
                self.scale("all", 0, 0, float(oldratio) / ratio, 1)
                xstart, xend = self.xview()
                xsize = (xend - xstart) / 2
                self.xview_moveto(midpoint - xsize)
+       def updatescroll(self):
+               self.configure(scrollregion=(0, 0, self.xsize(), self.ysize()))
        def scaleget(self):
                return self.ratio
@@ -1032,6 +1152,8 @@ class GraphMenu(Frame):
                self.viewmenu.add_command(label="CPU Colors",
+               self.viewmenu.add_command(label="Source Configure",
+                   command=self.sconf)
                self.view["menu"] = self.viewmenu
@@ -1041,6 +1163,9 @@ class GraphMenu(Frame):
        def cconf(self):
                ColorConfigure(cpucolors, "CPU Background Colors")
+       def sconf(self):
+               SourceConfigure()
 class SchedGraph(Frame):
        def __init__(self, master):
@@ -1162,11 +1287,55 @@ class SchedGraph(Frame):
                source1.movename(self.names, 0, y1targ - y1)
                source2.movename(self.names, 0, y2targ - y2)
+       def sourceshow(self, source):
+               if (source.hidden == 0):
+                       return;
+               prev = None
+               for s in sources:
+                       if (s == source):
+                               break
+                       if (s.hidden == 0):
+                               prev = s
+               if (prev == None):
+                       newy = 0
+               else:
+                       newy = self.sourcestart(prev) + self.sourcesize(prev)
+               self.sourceshiftall(newy-1, self.sourcesize(source))
+               off = newy - self.sourcestart(source)
+               self.sourceshift(source, off)
+               source.hidden = 0
+       def sourcehide(self, source):
+               # Move it out of the visible area
+               off = len(sources) * 100
+               start = self.sourcestart(source)
+               self.sourceshift(source, off)
+               self.sourceshiftall(start, -self.sourcesize(source))
+               source.hidden = 1
+       def sourceshift(self, source, off):
+               start = self.sourcestart(source)
+               source.move(self.display, 0, off)
+               source.movename(self.names, 0, off)
+               self.names.moveline(start, off);
+               self.display.moveline(start, off)
+       def sourceshiftall(self, start, off):
+               for source in sources:
+                       nstart = self.sourcestart(source)
+                       if (nstart < start):
+                               continue;
+                       self.sourceshift(source, off)
+               self.names.updatescroll()
+               self.display.updatescroll()
        def sourceat(self, ypos):
                (start, end) = self.names.yview()
                starty = start * float(self.names.ysize)
                ypos += starty
                for source in sources:
+                       if (source.hidden == 1):
+                               continue;
                        yend = self.sourceend(source)
                        ystart = self.sourcestart(source)
                        if (ypos >= ystart and ypos <= yend):
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