David O'Brien schrieb:
On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 08:56:22AM +0100, Christoph Mallon wrote:
David O'Brien schrieb:
On Sun, Jan 04, 2009 at 07:06:18PM +0100, Christoph Mallon wrote:
I'm pretty sure $SUPERNATURAL_BEING_OF_YOUR_CHOICE killed a kitten for the ugly hack you added to mount. The moment you overflow a buffer, you are in no man's land and there's no escape. I appended a patch, which solves this issue once and for all: The argv array gets dynamically expanded, when its limit is reached.
Please - for all kittens out there - commit this patch.
Hi Christoph,
Unfortunately your patch doesn't work.
For a 'ufs' file system listed in /etc/fstab
    $ umount /foo
    $ mount /foo
Does not work.
Why haven't you told me earlier?

Wow, wish I did have the gift to know something before I know something.
Especially tomorrow's lotto #'s. ;-)

I sent you my patch almost a week before you commited your changes. I think, there was enough time to tell me, that my patch had a flaw. Alternatively I would have gladly reviewed your solution.

It was a trivial glitch - just a missing "--mnt_argc;". I would've corrected it right away. I tested with a CD and this takes a different code path, which does not trigger the problem. Attached is the corrected patch.

Actually this version doesn't work either.
    Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ad4s1a
    <fsck of all UFS's in /etc/fstab>
    usage: mount [-t fstype] [-o options] target_fs mount_point
    Mounting /etc/fstab filesystems failed,  startup aborted
    ERROR: ABORTING BOOT (sending SIGTERM to parent)!

Your over use of global variables made my adult cat cry in pain.
Too bad you didn't at least follow the lead of what I committed.

I've committed something in the spirit of your patches.  I hope
that suits everyone.

Actually this version doesn't work either.

tron# ./mount -a
usage: mount [-t fstype] [-o options] target_fs mount_point
tron# ./mount -d -a
mount -t ufs -o rw -o update /dev/ad0s1a /
mount -t ufs ��`X (濿��`X /dev/ad0s1f /data
(Sorry for the garbage, it actually printed that. You can turn it into a "clean" segfault by memset()ing mnt_argv just after its declaration)

Your incorrect use of local variables and the resulting undefined behaviour made the cat, who visits me on a roof behind the house sometimes, almost fall from said roof, when he saw your commit: You expect the local variable "struct cpa mnt_argv" still to have the same values after mountfs() was left and reentered. Too bad you didn't at least follow the lead of what I proposed.

I've attached a corrected version of my patch, which has a mnt_argc = 0; added in order to reset the argument vector on reentry of mountfs() (instead of appending to the arguments of the last round).
Index: mount.c
--- mount.c     (Revision 187093)
+++ mount.c     (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -67,18 +67,16 @@
 #define MOUNT_META_OPTION_CURRENT      "current"
 int debug, fstab_style, verbose;
+static char **mnt_argv;
+static int mnt_argv_size;
+static int mnt_argc;
-struct cpa {
-       char    **a;
-       int     c;
 char   *catopt(char *, const char *);
 struct statfs *getmntpt(const char *);
 int    hasopt(const char *, const char *);
 int    ismounted(struct fstab *, struct statfs *, int);
 int    isremountable(const char *);
-void   mangle(char *, struct cpa *);
+static void    mangle(char *);
 char   *update_options(char *, char *, int);
 int    mountfs(const char *, const char *, const char *,
                        int, const char *, const char *);
@@ -501,28 +499,24 @@
 static void
-append_arg(struct cpa *sa, char *arg)
+append_argv(char *arg)
-       static int a_sz;
-       if (sa->c + 1 == a_sz) {
-               a_sz = a_sz == 0 ? 8 : a_sz * 2;
-               sa->a = realloc(sa->a, sizeof(sa->a) * a_sz);
-               if (sa->a == NULL)
+       if (mnt_argc == mnt_argv_size) {
+               mnt_argv_size = mnt_argv_size == 0 ? 16 : mnt_argv_size * 2;
+               mnt_argv = realloc(mnt_argv, sizeof(*mnt_argv) * mnt_argv_size);
+               if (mnt_argv == NULL)
                        errx(1, "realloc failed");
-       sa->a[++sa->c] = arg;
+       mnt_argv[mnt_argc++] = arg;
 mountfs(const char *vfstype, const char *spec, const char *name, int flags,
        const char *options, const char *mntopts)
-       struct cpa mnt_argv;
        struct statfs sf;
        int i, ret;
        char *optbuf, execname[PATH_MAX], mntpath[PATH_MAX];
-       static int mnt_argv_inited;
        /* resolve the mountpoint with realpath(3) */
        (void)checkpath(name, mntpath);
@@ -557,32 +551,29 @@
        /* Construct the name of the appropriate mount command */
        (void)snprintf(execname, sizeof(execname), "mount_%s", vfstype);
-       if (!mnt_argv_inited) {
-               mnt_argv_inited++;
-               mnt_argv.a = NULL;
-       }
-       mnt_argv.c = -1;
-       append_arg(&mnt_argv, execname);
-       mangle(optbuf, &mnt_argv);
-       append_arg(&mnt_argv, strdup(spec));
-       append_arg(&mnt_argv, strdup(name));
-       append_arg(&mnt_argv, NULL);
+       mnt_argc = 0; /* Reset argument vector */
+       append_argv(execname);
+       mangle(optbuf);
+       append_argv(strdup(spec));
+       append_argv(strdup(name));
+       append_argv(NULL);
+       --mnt_argc; /* Do not count the terminating null pointer */
        if (debug) {
                if (use_mountprog(vfstype))
                        printf("exec: mount_%s", vfstype);
                        printf("mount -t %s", vfstype);
-               for (i = 1; i < mnt_argv.c; i++)
-                       (void)printf(" %s", mnt_argv.a[i]);
+               for (i = 1; i < mnt_argc; i++)
+                       (void)printf(" %s", mnt_argv[i]);
                return (0);
        if (use_mountprog(vfstype)) {
-               ret = exec_mountprog(name, execname, mnt_argv.a);
+               ret = exec_mountprog(name, execname, mnt_argv);
        } else {
-               ret = mount_fs(vfstype, mnt_argv.c, mnt_argv.a);
+               ret = mount_fs(vfstype, mnt_argc, mnt_argv);
@@ -684,8 +675,8 @@
        return (cp);
-mangle(char *options, struct cpa *a)
+static void
+mangle(char *options)
        char *p, *s;
@@ -720,15 +711,15 @@
                            sizeof(groupquotaeq) - 1) == 0) {
                        } else if (*p == '-') {
-                               append_arg(a, p);
+                               append_argv(p);
                                p = strchr(p, '=');
                                if (p != NULL) {
                                        *p = '\0';
-                                       append_arg(a, p + 1);
+                                       append_argv(p + 1);
                        } else {
-                               append_arg(a, strdup("-o"));
-                               append_arg(a, p);
+                               append_argv(strdup("-o"));
+                               append_argv(p);
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