On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Alfred Perlstein <alf...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> * Ken Smith <kensm...@cse.buffalo.edu> [081226 16:13] wrote:
>> On Fri, 2008-12-26 at 15:46 -0800, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
>> > Does this mean that the user has to find the "Linux" package in the
>> > "add packages" area now?  If so, that seems a bit complicated to
>> > get started.  There's a LOT of packages.  Pardon if I'm missing something
>> > obvious here.
>> Yes, sort of.
>> I've asked portmgr@ to help with setting things up so we've got a couple
>> of new meta packages that help users set up a usable workstation
>> relatively painlessly.  They've said we can work together with the Gnome
>> and KDE folks to try and get that set up.  I'm not sure at this point if
>> Linux emulation will be part of that or not, we haven't gotten quite
>> that far yet.  And we'll do something to make those meta-packages
>> relatively easy to find.  For example without something along those
>> lines a user may just select the "gnome2" metapackage thinking they'll
>> get a usable workstation but at least as of the last time I did
>> something like that you don't quite wind up with a usable workstation
>> (xorg-server is missing for example :-/).
>> That said this has sort of been threatened for quite a while now, and
>> having sysinstall not care about any packages before it hits what is
>> currently its "Do you want to browse all the packages" section is needed
>> if we're talking about not including pre-built packages with the release
>> itself and that sort of thing.  We're just setting it up so all packages
>> get treated as packages instead of some being intertwined in earlier
>> phases of sysinstall.
> OK, that makes sense.  Please track it though, it would be bad to wind up
> "hiding" Linux compat from users under a huge package selection.
> thanks,
> --
> - Alfred Perlstein

    Yes, but it'd be nicer for linux compatibility to point to actual
working linux emulators instead of long-defunct packages (the Redhat
emulation package -- bleh).
    I'm all for improving the linux compat layer packaging -- thanks Ken!
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