Author: raj
Date: Wed Dec 17 15:44:34 2008
New Revision: 186229
  Rework E500 locore.
  - split bootstrap code into more modular routines, which will also be used for
    the non-booting cores
  - clean up registers usage
  - improve comments to better reflect reality
  - eliminate dead or redundant code
  - other minor fixes
  This refactoring is a preliminary step before importing dual-core (MPC8572)
  Obtained from:        Freescale, Semihalf


Modified: head/sys/powerpc/booke/locore.S
--- head/sys/powerpc/booke/locore.S     Wed Dec 17 15:31:15 2008        
+++ head/sys/powerpc/booke/locore.S     Wed Dec 17 15:44:34 2008        
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Semihalf, Rafal Jaworowski <>
  * Copyright (C) 2006 Semihalf, Marian Balakowicz <>
  * All rights reserved.
@@ -10,8 +11,6 @@
  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- *    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
@@ -29,8 +28,8 @@
 #include "assym.s"
-#include <machine/param.h>
 #include <machine/asm.h>
+#include <machine/param.h>
 #include <machine/spr.h>
 #include <machine/psl.h>
 #include <machine/pte.h>
@@ -60,207 +59,140 @@ kernel_text:
- * Assumption on a boot loader:
+ * Assumptions on the boot loader:
  *  - system memory starts from physical address 0
- *  - kernel is loaded at 16MB boundary
  *  - it's mapped by a single TBL1 entry
  *  - TLB1 mapping is 1:1 pa to va
+ *  - kernel is loaded at 16MB boundary
  *  - all PID registers are set to the same value
+ *  - CPU is running in AS=0
- * Loader register use:
+ * Registers contents provided by the loader(8):
  *     r1      : stack pointer
  *     r3      : metadata pointer
  * We rearrange the TLB1 layout as follows:
- *  - find AS and entry kernel started in
+ *  - find TLB1 entry we started in
  *  - make sure it's protected, ivalidate other entries
- *  - create temp entry in the second AS (make sure it's not TLB[15])
+ *  - create temp entry in the second AS (make sure it's not TLB[1])
  *  - switch to temp mapping
- *  - map 16MB of RAM in TLB1[15]
+ *  - map 16MB of RAM in TLB1[1]
  *  - use AS=1, set EPN to KERNBASE and RPN to kernel load address
- *  - switch to to TLB1[15] mapping
+ *  - switch to to TLB1[1] mapping
  *  - invalidate temp mapping
- * locore register use:
+ * locore registers use:
  *     r1      : stack pointer
- *     r2      : unused
- *     r3      : kernel_text
- *     r4      : _end
- *     r5      : metadata pointer
- *     r6-r9   : unused
- *     r10     : entry we started in
- *     r11     : temp entry
- *     r12     : AS we started in
- *     r13-r31 : auxiliary registers
+ *     r2      : trace pointer (AP only, for early diagnostics)
+ *     r3-r27  : scratch registers
+ *     r28     : kernload
+ *     r29     : temp TLB1 entry
+ *     r30     : initial TLB1 entry we started in
+ *     r31     : metadata pointer
- * Move metadata ptr to r5
+ * Keep metadata ptr in r31 for later use.
-       mr      %r5, %r3
+       mr      %r31, %r3
  * Initial cleanup
-       li      %r16, 0x200             /* Keep debug exceptions for 
CodeWarrior. */
-       mtmsr   %r16
-       isync
-#if 0
-       mtspr   SPR_HID0, %r16
-       isync
-       msync
-       mtspr   SPR_HID1, %r16
+       li      %r3, PSL_DE     /* Keep debug exceptions for CodeWarrior. */
+       mtmsr   %r3
-       /* Issue INV_ALL Invalidate on TLB0 */
-       li      %r16, 0x04
-       tlbivax 0, %r16
-       isync
-       msync
+       /* Invalidate all entries in TLB0 */
+       li      %r3, 0
+       bl      tlb_inval_all
- * Use tblsx to locate the TLB1 entry that maps kernel code
+ * Locate the TLB1 entry that maps this code
-       bl      1f                      /* Current address */
-1:     mflr    %r15
-       /* Find entry that maps current address */
-       mfspr   %r17, SPR_PID0
-       slwi    %r17, %r17, MAS6_SPID0_SHIFT
-       mtspr   SPR_MAS6, %r17
-       isync
-       tlbsx   0, %r15
-       /* Copy entry number to r10 */
-       mfspr   %r17, SPR_MAS0
-       rlwinm  %r10, %r17, 16, 28, 31
-       /* Invalidate TLB1, skipping our entry. */
-       mfspr   %r17, SPR_TLB1CFG       /* Get number of entries */
-       andi.   %r17, %r17, tlbcfg_nentry_m...@l
-       li      %r16, 0                 /* Start from Entry 0 */
-2:     lis     %r15, mas0_tlbs...@h    /* Select TLB1 */
-       rlwimi  %r15, %r16, 16, 12, 15
-       mtspr   SPR_MAS0, %r15
-       isync
-       tlbre
-       mfspr   %r15, SPR_MAS1
-       cmpw    %r16, %r10
-       beq     3f
-       /* Clear VALID and IPROT bits for other entries */
-       rlwinm  %r15, %r15, 0, 2, 31
-       mtspr   SPR_MAS1, %r15
-       isync
-       tlbwe
-       isync
-       msync
-3:     addi    %r16, %r16, 1
-       cmpw    %r16, %r17              /* Check if this is the last entry */
-       bne     2b
+       bl      1f
+1:     mflr    %r3
+       bl      tlb1_find_current       /* the entry number found is returned 
in r30 */
+       bl      tlb1_inval_all_but_current
- * Create temporary mapping in the other Address Space
+ * Create temporary mapping in AS=1 and switch to it
-       lis     %r17, mas0_tlbs...@h    /* Select TLB1 */
-       rlwimi  %r17, %r10, 16, 12, 15  /* Select our entry */
-       mtspr   SPR_MAS0, %r17
-       isync
-       tlbre                           /* Read it in */
-       /* Prepare and write temp entry */
-       lis     %r17, mas0_tlbs...@h    /* Select TLB1 */
-       addi    %r11, %r10, 0x1         /* Use next entry. */
-       rlwimi  %r17, %r11, 16, 12, 15  /* Select temp entry */
-       mtspr   SPR_MAS0, %r17
-       isync
-       mfspr   %r16, SPR_MAS1
-       li      %r15, 1                 /* AS 1 */
-       rlwimi  %r16, %r15, 12, 19, 19
-       mtspr   SPR_MAS1, %r16
-       li      %r17, 0
-       rlwimi  %r16, %r17, 0, 8, 15    /* Global mapping, TID=0 */
-       isync
-       tlbwe
-       isync
-       msync
-       mfmsr   %r16
-       ori     %r16, %r16, 0x30        /* Switch to AS 1. */
+       bl      tlb1_temp_mapping_as1
-       bl      4f                      /* Find current execution address */
-4:     mflr    %r15
-       addi    %r15, %r15, 20          /* Increment to instruction after rfi */
-       mtspr   SPR_SRR0, %r15
-       mtspr   SPR_SRR1, %r16
+       mfmsr   %r3
+       ori     %r3, %r3, (PSL_IS | PSL_DS)
+       bl      2f
+2:     mflr    %r4
+       addi    %r4, %r4, 20
+       mtspr   SPR_SRR0, %r4
+       mtspr   SPR_SRR1, %r3
        rfi                             /* Switch context */
  * Invalidate initial entry
-       mr      %r22, %r10
+       mr      %r3, %r30
        bl      tlb1_inval_entry
  * Setup final mapping in TLB1[1] and switch to it
        /* Final kernel mapping, map in 16 MB of RAM */
-       lis     %r16, mas0_tlbs...@h    /* Select TLB1 */
-       li      %r17, 1                 /* Entry 1 */
-       rlwimi  %r16, %r17, 16, 12, 15
-       mtspr   SPR_MAS0, %r16
+       lis     %r3, mas0_tlbs...@h     /* Select TLB1 */
+       li      %r4, 1                  /* Entry 1 */
+       rlwimi  %r3, %r4, 16, 12, 15
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS0, %r3
-       li      %r16, (TLB_SIZE_16M << MAS1_TSIZE_SHIFT)@l
-       oris    %r16, %r16, (MAS1_VALID | MAS1_IPROT)@h
-       mtspr   SPR_MAS1, %r16
+       li      %r3, (TLB_SIZE_16M << MAS1_TSIZE_SHIFT)@l
+       oris    %r3, %r3, (MAS1_VALID | MAS1_IPROT)@h
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS1, %r3           /* note TS was not filled, so it's TS=0 
-       lis     %r19, kernb...@h
-       ori     %r19, %r19, kernb...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_MAS2, %r19          /* Set final EPN, clear WIMG */
+       lis     %r3, kernb...@h
+       ori     %r3, %r3, kernb...@l    /* EPN = KERNBASE */
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS2, %r3
-       bl      5f
-5:     mflr    %r16                    /* Use current address */
-       lis     %r18, 0xff00            /* 16MB alignment mask */
-       and     %r16, %r16, %r18
-       mr      %r25, %r16              /* Copy kernel load address */
-       ori     %r16, %r16, (MAS3_SX | MAS3_SW | MAS3_SR)@l
-       mtspr   SPR_MAS3, %r16          /* Set RPN and protection */
+       /* Discover phys load address */
+       bl      3f
+3:     mflr    %r4                     /* Use current address */
+       rlwinm  %r4, %r4, 0, 0, 7       /* 16MB alignment mask */
+       mr      %r28, %r4               /* Keep kernel load address */
+       ori     %r4, %r4, (MAS3_SX | MAS3_SW | MAS3_SR)@l
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS3, %r4           /* Set RPN and protection */
        /* Switch to the above TLB1[1] mapping */
-       lis     %r18, 0x00ff            /* 16MB offset mask */
-       ori     %r18, %r18, 0xffff
-       bl      6f
-6:     mflr    %r20                    /* Use current address */
-       and     %r20, %r20, %r18        /* Offset from kernel load address */
-       add     %r20, %r20, %r19        /* Move to kernel virtual address */
-       addi    %r20, %r20, 32          /* Increment to instr. after rfi  */
-       li      %r21, 0x200
-       mtspr   SPR_SRR0, %r20
-       mtspr   SPR_SRR1, %r21
+       bl      4f
+4:     mflr    %r4
+       rlwinm  %r4, %r4, 0, 8, 31      /* Current offset from kernel load 
address */
+       rlwinm  %r3, %r3, 0, 0, 19
+       add     %r4, %r4, %r3           /* Convert to kernel virtual address */
+       addi    %r4, %r4, 36
+       li      %r3, PSL_DE             /* Note AS=0 */
+       mtspr   SPR_SRR0, %r4
+       mtspr   SPR_SRR1, %r3
-       /* Save kernel load address for later use */
-       lis     %r24, kernl...@ha
-       addi    %r24, %r24, kernl...@l
-       stw     %r25, 0(%r24)
  * Invalidate temp mapping
-       mr      %r22, %r11
+       mr      %r3, %r29
        bl      tlb1_inval_entry
+ * Save kernel load address for later use.
+ */
+       lis     %r3, kernl...@ha
+       addi    %r3, %r3, kernl...@l
+       stw     %r28, 0(%r3)
  * Setup a temporary stack
        lis     %r1, tmpst...@ha
@@ -273,114 +205,198 @@ __start:
        bl      ivor_setup
- * Jump to system initialization code
- *
- * Setup first two arguments for e500_init, metadata (r5) is already in place.
+ * Set up arguments and jump to system initialization code
        lis     %r3, kernel_t...@ha
        addi    %r3, %r3, kernel_t...@l
        lis     %r4, _...@ha
        addi    %r4, %r4, _...@l
+       mr      %r5, %r31               /* metadata ptr */
+       /* Prepare e500 core */
        bl      e500_init
-       /* Switch to thread0.td_kstack */
+       /* Switch to thread0.td_kstack now */
        mr      %r1, %r3
        li      %r3, 0
        stw     %r3, 0(%r1)
-       bl      mi_startup  /* Machine independet part, does not return */
+       /* Machine independet part, does not return */
+       bl      mi_startup
+       /* NOT REACHED */
+5:     b       5b
-/* locore subroutines */
+ * Invalidate all entries in the given TLB.
+ *
+ * r3  TLBSEL
+ */
+       rlwinm  %r3, %r3, 3, 0x18       /* TLBSEL */
+       ori     %r3, %r3, 0x4           /* INVALL */
+       tlbivax 0, %r3
+       isync
+       msync
-       lis     %r17, mas0_tlbs...@h    /* Select TLB1 */
-       rlwimi  %r17, %r22, 16, 12, 15  /* Select our entry */
-       mtspr   SPR_MAS0, %r17
+       tlbsync
+       msync
+       blr
+ * expects address to look up in r3, returns entry number in r30
+ *
+ * FIXME: the hidden assumption is we are now running in AS=0, but we should
+ * retrieve actual AS from MSR[IS|DS] and put it in MAS6[SAS]
+ */
+       mfspr   %r17, SPR_PID0
+       slwi    %r17, %r17, MAS6_SPID0_SHIFT
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS6, %r17
-       tlbre                           /* Read it in */
+       tlbsx   0, %r3
+       mfspr   %r17, SPR_MAS0
+       rlwinm  %r30, %r17, 16, 20, 31          /* MAS0[ESEL] -> r30 */
-       li      %r16, 0
-       mtspr   SPR_MAS1, %r16
+       /* Make sure we have IPROT set on the entry */
+       mfspr   %r17, SPR_MAS1
+       oris    %r17, %r17, mas1_ip...@h
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS1, %r17
-       /* Set base address of interrupt handler routines */
-       lis     %r21, interrupt_vector_b...@h
-       mtspr   SPR_IVPR, %r21
-       /* Assign interrupt handler routines offsets */
-       li      %r21, int_critical_in...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR0, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_machine_ch...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR1, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_data_stor...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR2, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_instr_stor...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR3, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_external_in...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR4, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_alignm...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR5, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_prog...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR6, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_sysc...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR8, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_decremen...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR10, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_fixed_interval_ti...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR11, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_watch...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR12, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_data_tlb_er...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR13, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_inst_tlb_er...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR14, %r21
-       li      %r21, int_de...@l
-       mtspr   SPR_IVOR15, %r21
+ * Invalidates a single entry in TLB1.
+ *
+ * r3          ESEL
+ * r4-r5       scratched
+ */
+       lis     %r4, mas0_tlbs...@h     /* Select TLB1 */
+       rlwimi  %r4, %r3, 16, 12, 15    /* Select our entry */
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS0, %r4
+       isync
+       tlbre
+       li      %r5, 0                  /* MAS1[V] = 0 */
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS1, %r5
+       isync
+       tlbwe
+       isync
+       msync
- * void tlb1_inval_va(vm_offset_t va)
- *
- * r3 - va to invalidate
- */
-       /* EA mask */
-       lis     %r6, 0xffff
-       ori     %r6, %r6, 0xf000
-       and     %r3, %r3, %r6
-       /* Select TLB1 */
-       ori     %r3, %r3, 0x08
+ * r30         current entry number
+ * r29         returned temp entry
+ * r3-r5       scratched
+ */
+       /* Read our current translation */
+       lis     %r3, mas0_tlbs...@h     /* Select TLB1 */
+       rlwimi  %r3, %r30, 16, 12, 15   /* Select our current entry */
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS0, %r3
+       isync
+       tlbre
+       /*
+        * Prepare and write temp entry
+        *
+        * FIXME this is not robust against overflow i.e. when the current
+        * entry is the last in TLB1
+        */
+       lis     %r3, mas0_tlbs...@h     /* Select TLB1 */
+       addi    %r29, %r30, 1           /* Use next entry. */
+       li      %r4, 1
+       cmpw    %r4, %r29
+       bne     1f
+       addi    %r29, %r29, 1
+1:     rlwimi  %r3, %r29, 16, 12, 15   /* Select temp entry */
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS0, %r3
+       isync
+       mfspr   %r5, SPR_MAS1
+       li      %r4, 1                  /* AS=1 */
+       rlwimi  %r5, %r4, 12, 19, 19
+       li      %r4, 0                  /* Global mapping, TID=0 */
+       rlwimi  %r5, %r4, 16, 8, 15
+       oris    %r5, %r5, (MAS1_VALID | MAS1_IPROT)@h
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS1, %r5
-       tlbivax 0, %r3
+       tlbwe
- * void tlb0_inval_va(vm_offset_t va)
+ * Loops over TLB1, invalidates all entries skipping the one which currently
+ * maps this code.
- * r3 - va to invalidate
+ * r30         current entry
+ * r3-r5       scratched
-       /* EA mask, this also clears TLBSEL, selecting TLB0 */
-       lis     %r6, 0xffff
-       ori     %r6, %r6, 0xf000
-       and     %r3, %r3, %r6
+       mr      %r6, %r3
+       mfspr   %r3, SPR_TLB1CFG        /* Get number of entries */
+       andi.   %r3, %r3, tlbcfg_nentry_m...@l
+       li      %r4, 0                  /* Start from Entry 0 */
+1:     lis     %r5, mas0_tlbs...@h
+       rlwimi  %r5, %r4, 16, 12, 15
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS0, %r5
+       isync
+       tlbre
+       mfspr   %r5, SPR_MAS1
+       cmpw    %r4, %r30               /* our current entry? */
+       beq     2f
+       rlwinm  %r5, %r5, 0, 2, 31      /* clear VALID and IPROT bits */
+       mtspr   SPR_MAS1, %r5
-       tlbivax 0, %r3
+       tlbwe
+2:     addi    %r4, %r4, 1
+       cmpw    %r4, %r3                /* Check if this is the last entry */
+       bne     1b
+       blr
+/* locore subroutines */
+       /* Set base address of interrupt handler routines */
+       lis     %r3, interrupt_vector_b...@h
+       mtspr   SPR_IVPR, %r3
+       /* Assign interrupt handler routines offsets */
+       li      %r3, int_critical_in...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR0, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_machine_ch...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR1, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_data_stor...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR2, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_instr_stor...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR3, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_external_in...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR4, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_alignm...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR5, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_prog...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR6, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_sysc...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR8, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_decremen...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR10, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_fixed_interval_ti...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR11, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_watch...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR12, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_data_tlb_er...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR13, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_inst_tlb_er...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR14, %r3
+       li      %r3, int_de...@l
+       mtspr   SPR_IVOR15, %r3
@@ -495,7 +511,7 @@ tmpstack:
 #define        INTRCNT_COUNT   256             /* 
-       .long
+       .long   0
        .space  INTRCNT_COUNT * (MAXCOMLEN + 1) * 2
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