I've got a report now of FreeBSD/amd64 working fine with 64GB, so we
can increase this limit to at least that amount.  The 8GB dimms
required for 128GB configurations are, I understand, harder to come by
until recently.
This page you provided appears to be the specs for a hardware system
with many operating systems (but not FreeBSD) listed.  I'm aware of
such systems, but I want to make sure we have a report of FreeBSD
actually working well on such hardware.  Do you know of FreeBSD
working on this system you provided?


         - Murray

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 11:31 PM, pluknet <pluk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The largest tested memory configuration I ever heard was with 128GB
> running on current :p.
> Link to conf (in russian): http://www.etegro.com/rus/items/24/2.html
> --
> wbr,
> pluknet
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