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24-25 September 2024 - Saint-Louis, France

CALL FOR PAPERS: Title and abstract to be submitted before 19 June 2024

The acoustic environment of the battlefield is of major importance for military 
operations. Military equipment such as ground vehicles, aircrafts, helicopters, 
electric generators etc. are often significant sources of CONTINUOUS NOISE, 
whereas weapons such as artillery guns, mortars or small-caliber weapons used 
by snipers are important sources of IMPULSE NOISE.
These sources create sounds, loud enough to be detectable at a long distance. 
ACOUSTIC DETECTION SENSOR SYSTEMS that offer early warning, surveillance with 
the possibility of tracking targets have been developed over the last years. 
They can be used in battlefield and peacekeeping operations. Acoustics offer 
Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) detection with full space coverage (360°), 
complementary to other detection technologies for multi-sensor platforms.
Personnel exposed to extreme noise levels (e.g., aircrafts crews, artillery 
staff or dismounted soldiers) need efficient HEARING PROTECTION. The first 
priority is to limit their exposure to noise to an acceptable level while not 
impeding their perception of the acoustic environment. Beyond the simple need 
of protection, the design of earplugs or earmuffs has to offer an improved 
INTELLIGIBILITY OF SPEECH picked up by condenser microphones, MEMS or 
unconventional microphones and transmitted by radio-communication devices.
Current combat tactics increasingly expose dismounted soldiers to shock/BLAST 
WAVES, either from a single high-intensity event (explosion) or from repeated 
low-intensity events throughout the day (artillery fire, breaching, training 
phases). These particular types of barotrauma which are often insidious can 
cause immediate or delayed auditory and extra-auditory effects that need to be 
better understood.

The following TOPICS will be addressed:
* Battlefield sounds: vehicle, aircraft, helicopter, weapon noise, IED, etc.
* Hearing protection, audio communication and situational awareness:
- Acoustic Protectors (earplugs, earmuffs, etc.)
- Auditory Hazards, Damage Risk Criteria, Noise Regulation
- Noise control and talk-through systems
- Audio communication (MEMS microphones, bone conduction sensors, etc.)
- Advanced techniques in signal processing, 3D Audio Display, etc.
* Blast events, related injury mechanisms and protective equipments
- Single major event
- Multiple smaller events
* Acoustic detection of threats
- Acoustic sensors for UAV detection, for counter-sniping and for sensor 
- Analysis of the performance of acoustic systems for detection and 
localisation including the influence of environmental conditions
* National or international actions in these fields (DGA, BAAINBw, EDA, NATO, 

A SPECIAL SESSION will be organised on "*Noise Rating Criteria* and their 
practical use for weapon noises (AHAAH, Leq, etc.)" with the participation of 
the experts of the NATO group *HFM-381* ("Military implications of acute 
noise-induced changes in hearing”) and of the former group *HFM-285*.

The workshop will have two days of plenary presentation in which the 
participants can share the results of their theoretical and experimental work 
in talks of about 20 minutes.

The "Direction Générale de l'Armement" (DGA) and the "Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, 
Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr" (BAAINBw), together with the 
French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL), will organise this 

Possibility to expose protective equipment and acoustic systems: audio 
protection and communication devices, earplugs, earmuffs, protective equipment 
and vests against blast waves, sensors, microphones, measurement systems, 
software, etc. The exhibition will be located in the lobby in front of the 
conference room and will be accessible to the public during the breaks.

The workshop will take place in an hybrid mode: classical sessions in 
Saint-Louis and possible on-line presentations/participations (web-access). The 
practical details will be sent later to the registered persons.

24-25 September 2024

French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis – ISL
5 rue du Général Cassagnou - BP 70034
68301 SAINT-LOUIS Cedex - France

Registration/Submission portal: https://www.isl.eu/batac2024
Title & abstract submission: before 19 June 2024
Conference registration: before 9 September 2024
Registration fees: 100 EUR for in-person attendance, including the internet 
access to proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches at ISL and dinner at a local 
restaurant on 24 September. 50 EUR for online participants.
Registration fees for exhibitors: 200 EUR
ACCESS can only be granted upon presentation of an identity card or passport.

A list of nearby hotels is available on the ISL website 
(http://www.isl.eu/index.php/en/contact-en/hotels-en). Please book your room 
directly with the hotel. Some hotels have special rates for ISL visitors.

Communication Unit ISL
+33 (0)3 89 69 51 33 – E-mail: ba...@isl.eu

Isabelle METZGER - +33 (0)3 89 69 51 94 - E-mail: 
isabelle.metzger@isl.euVivienne GASKELL - +33 (0)3 89 69 53 18 - E-mail: 
communication@isl.euPierre NAZ - +33 (0)3 89 69 50 98 - E-mail: 

Véronique ZIMPFER (ISL)
Pierre NAZ (ISL)
Thierry PAUCHARD (DGA, France)
Thomas WESSLING (WTD 91, Germany)
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