Headlock no longer works. It has been broken for year's now with no sign of
a fix.
Only use the first 4 ambix channels and everything will work.

On Mon, 4 Sept 2023, 17:52 Tom Slater, <slater...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I just wanted to check here to see if anyone has done this recently?
> I'm having trouble injecting the metadata for YoutTube to playback the 360
> video with 1st order Ambix + headlocked stereo.
> I have a 360 video muxed with 6 channel audio: ch 1-4 is the 1st order mix
> and ch 5-6 is the headlocked stereo. I'm trying to use the The Spatial
> Media Metadata Injector v2.1
> <https://github.com/google/spatial-media/releases> but the option for 6
> channel audio encoding is greyed out.
> I've also tried The FB360 Encoder with a 360 video and 1st order Ambix
> audio. This works fine but it wont accept a stereo headlocked file when
> exporting for YouTube VR.
> Finally tried this as per Googles instructions, but it just turns the
> stereo signal to mono
> "For head-locked tracks, route stereo outputs to the first channel of the
> ambisonic mix."
> ALL posts, documentation GitHub entries etc. seem to stop around 2018 so
> any updated info or workflows most welcome.
> Thanks,
> Tom
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