On Mon, May 01, 2023 at 06:03:09PM +0000, Thorsten Michels wrote:
> If a lower order is streamed, the other channels will be left empty, with
> digital "0", meaning absolutely NO signal. So the decoders can recognize it
> and provide the correct decoding.

That is in-band signalling, and a bad idea for many reasons.

> The order of the channels will be as follows:

Why define speakers positions if the format is Ambisonic ?
It's up to the receiver to decode it, using whatever speaker
positions it has available.

The speaker positions you propose would not even support
a full third order decode.

Apart from that, high order ambisonics is not an efficient
delivery format. It's OK for up to 2nd order or so, maybe
3rd, but above that an object based format (e.g. Atmos)
can provide much better performance for the same channel



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