I would love to make a sound do a death spiral motion .
With an LFO, on each axis, bit a load of doppler, distance attenuation and
filtering, i think i could kill the thread quite quickly....

On Wed, 8 Mar 2023, 17:00 Chris Woolf, <ch...@chriswoolf.co.uk> wrote:

> Ta - looks interesting - there's always someone who's been there before;}
> Chris Woolf
> On 08/03/2023 16:21, Marc Lavallée wrote:
> > The article is freely available here:
> > https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20080042307
> >
> > Marc
> >
> > Le 2023-03-08 à 11 h 15, Picinali, Lorenzo a écrit :
> >> Hello Chris,
> >>
> >> this might be interesting for you!
> >>
> >>
> https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/154193120805200103?casa_token=CptzIp9vOaQAAAAA:fG10j5X-vgVL92L3YHFjBTRAyYUCHfVpsuYDrU3DcGX4wPgzym4ZZoLHSh2I2AfvIZrEyKpIQ54
> >>
> >>
> >> I remember they also presented this work at ICAD in Paris in 2008,
> >> and if I remember well they won the best paper award!
> >>
> >> Best
> >> Lorenzo
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Lorenzo Picinali
> >> Reader in Audio Experience Design<https://www.axdesign.co.uk/>
> >> Dyson School of Design Engineering
> >> Imperial College London
> >> Dyson Building
> >> Imperial College Road
> >> South Kensington, SW7 2DB, London
> >> E: l.picin...@imperial.ac.uk
> >>
> >> http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/l.picinali
> >> https://www.axdesign.co.uk/
> >> https://www.sonicom.eu/
> >> ________________________________
> >> From: Sursound <sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu> on behalf of Chris
> >> Woolf <ch...@chriswoolf.co.uk>
> >> Sent: 08 March 2023 16:03
> >> To: sursound@music.vt.edu <sursound@music.vt.edu>
> >> Subject: Re: [Sursound] [off-topic] Spirals
> >>
> >>
> >> *******************
> >> This email originates from outside Imperial. Do not click on links
> >> and attachments unless you recognise the sender.
> >> If you trust the sender, add them to your safe senders list
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> >> *******************
> >> Bringing things round in a circle (rather than a spiral)....
> >>
> >> Anyone any ideas how one could provide an audio horizon that could be a
> >> mimic of the gyro artificial horizon? That could presumably add an
> >> additional warning of unintentional spiralling, and one that would
> >> signal a discrepancy between gravitational/centrifugal pull and absolute
> >> vertical.
> >>
> >> I can see the problems of providing a height dimension with headphones,
> >> and also a question of what audio signals would have sufficient rate to
> >> provide the frequency of stimulus needed. ATC and TCAS would be some
> >> help but I think you would need rather more than just that.
> >>
> >> This is just coffee-time thoughts - I'm not planning to go flying any
> >> time soon;}
> >>
> >> Chris Woolf
> >>
> >>
> >> On 08/03/2023 13:23, t.mich...@posteo.de wrote:
> >>> Hi Panos!
> >>>
> >>> First of all: Welcome!
> >>> Second: YES you are definitely in the right place.
> >>> Third: If you have any question, feel invite to ask. :-)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Take care and stay healthy
> >>> Cheers
> >>>
> >>> Thorsten
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Am 08.03.2023 00:08 schrieb Panos Kouvelis:
> >>>> I recently subscribed to this mailing list for insightful
> >>>> discussions on
> >>>> surround sound.
> >>>>
> >>>> Up 'till now, the material I have received is about aviation.
> >>>>
> >>>> Am I in the wrong place?
> >>>>
> >>>> :-)
> >>>>
> >>>> *Pan Athen*
> >>>> SoundFellas <https://soundfellas.com/>, *MediaFlake Ltd
> >>>> <http://mediaflake.com/>*
> >>>> Digital Media Services, Content, and Tools
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 1:03 AM Sampo Syreeni <de...@iki.fi> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> On 2023-02-22, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> And in many cases the aircraft may very well be unstable in that
> >>>>> axis:
> >>>>>> if left alone, the roll angle will slowly increase.
> >>>>> Actually, most modern aircraft are stable in the bank axis as well.
> >>>>> Part
> >>>>> of why they have swept wings, bent wings and wingtips and the
> >>>>> like, is
> >>>>> to this regard. (Part of: most of it has to with approaching
> >>>>> transonic
> >>>>> flight. But not all.)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The thing is though, and as you say below, the pilot won't feel
> >>>>> anything
> >>>>> weird when approaching a spiral. The built in stability of the
> >>>>> airplane
> >>>>> will keep everybody in their seat at 1g acceleration perpendicular to
> >>>>> the floor, evenas the airplane banks to something approaching 90
> >>>>> degrees, and loses all of its lift. Then it just falls, sideways.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> When that happens, you're in what's called a "death spiral", because
> >>>>> it's extremely difficult to recover from the condition, and you
> >>>>> typically don't even know you've entered one. When you do, you as a
> >>>>> pilot are already in a state of spatial disorientation; you
> >>>>> *literally*
> >>>>> don't know which way is up and which down, and since the plane is by
> >>>>> now
> >>>>> basically half-way inverted, with now absolutely no lift, losing
> >>>>> altitude like a falling rock, you as the pilot have very little
> >>>>> possibility of correcting.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *Technically*, in *theory*, you often *could* recover, if you have
> >>>>> enough altitude, speed and sturdiness of airframe; even I have run it
> >>>>> through in a game. But in practice, recovery from a well developed
> >>>>> death
> >>>>> spiral is mostly beyond human ability. Especially once you lose
> >>>>> height,
> >>>>> because at low altitudes, already going nose down, you can't even
> >>>>> convert high air speed/energy into a corrective manoeuvre before you
> >>>>> hit
> >>>>> the terrain, and there will only be seconds to lose.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This is then why the pilot flying is supposed to only look at the
> >>>>> instrumentation, and why there are auditory warnings about bank
> >>>>> angle on
> >>>>> the modern jets. The Swedish commercial midsize Boeing pilot,
> >>>>> Mentour,
> >>>>> on YouTube, is first rate in explaining all of this stuff.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Okay, so, finally, how would you recover from a well developed death
> >>>>> spiral, presuming you realized you were in one? Well, the optimum way
> >>>>> would be to use all of the airfoils at the pilot's control at the
> >>>>> same
> >>>>> time to convert kinetic and potential energy of the frame into
> >>>>> first 1)
> >>>>> orientation, and then 2) into safe height in level flight.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The optimum control trajectory going there is universally wild, so
> >>>>> that
> >>>>> you can't even practice for it in a simulator. It can even be
> >>>>> chaotic,
> >>>>> in the true mathematical sense. Many of the attempts at automated
> >>>>> recovery I known of literally crashed on that point; you can't do
> >>>>> optimum control here, because it leads you into an unstable
> >>>>> calculation.
> >>>>> Instead, you have to have your algoritm flying off the optimum
> >>>>> path, in
> >>>>> order to keep a stability margin. (Knowing how much off the optimum
> >>>>> path
> >>>>> it should be, and what a stability margin even *is*, is to date an
> >>>>> unknown as well. It's difficult to quantify.)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So, how would I fly out of a death spiral, suddenly and against
> >>>>> expectation fully knowing I was in one? Fully knowing which way, how
> >>>>> fast, at which height, I and my aeroplane was going? Well,
> >>>>> obviously, I
> >>>>> would have to regain lift, evenas I was falling. I'd use ailerons to
> >>>>> gain "level flight" evenwhile falling. While that was done, I'd yoke
> >>>>> up,
> >>>>> no matter the orientation of the airframe (assuming I wasn't
> >>>>> downright
> >>>>> inverted), in order to gain altitude and *true* level flight. I'd put
> >>>>> the engines in idle and maybe spoil the airfoil, for want of
> >>>>> structurally sound airspeed and the g-forces which necessarily come
> >>>>> after a recovery from a spiral. Something like that.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Even if I did all of that *just* right, I'd probably contact terrain.
> >>>>> All on-board would be lost. Because recovering from a death spiral,
> >>>>> once
> >>>>> it's started and developed well, is pretty much an inhuman feat. It's
> >>>>> almost impossible for a computer to do, as well. The many algorithms
> >>>>> which have been tried out, taking control away from the human pilot,
> >>>>> none of them have been shown to do any good either.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Fons, this is one of the other things I follow. Amateurishly, but I
> >>>>> still do.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7t4IR-3mSo
> >>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhzaogGQNFU&t=1056s
> >>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7N0pshAC0k
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Now the fun thing is, as my pilot friends say, you can actually
> >>>>> *even*
> >>>>> do a full, level, aileron roll on all of the AirBus jumbojets.
> >>>>> Definitely not recommended, might lose your licence, and you'd
> >>>>> have to
> >>>>> disengage a number of safety systems, then flying by eye and touch
> >>>>> alone. But I'm told all of them *can* do showflying manoeuvres if
> >>>>> need
> >>>>> be. My nerd friends even claim to me, if need be, the things might be
> >>>>> capable of autonomous inverted flight; I'm not too sure if any flight
> >>>>> manufacturer actually ever went so far, but if one did, it surely
> >>>>> would
> >>>>> be AirBus. Damn, woman, stop it right *here*!
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> A non-zero roll angle means that part of the lift force generated by
> >>>>>> the wings is now sideways.
> >>>>> Now, once we've handled conventional aircrafts, let's take on fighter
> >>>>> aircraft. The fifth generation ones, like the F22 and the F35. Their
> >>>>> fly-by-wire flight control surface work in concert, and often in a
> >>>>> fully
> >>>>> different way. For example, instead of there being separate
> >>>>> spoilers, in
> >>>>> order to introduce a limited airfoil separation/stall, the primary
> >>>>> control surfaces introduce a time-limited and measured stall in a
> >>>>> servo
> >>>>> loop. And then not, again.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Those things basically fly themselves, strategically stalling some of
> >>>>> the control surfaces when need be. For example, in order to
> >>>>> automatically come back from a leftward death spiral, the fighter
> >>>>> will
> >>>>> make its right back control surface stall, losing lift
> >>>>> momentarily, and
> >>>>> so roll the aircraft as well as make it pitch up, lose airspeed
> >>>>> because
> >>>>> of the increased drag, and so gain an amount of lift.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Fons, I like this kind of analysis. Optimum control, and where its
> >>>>> limits lay. This stuff is *fun*!
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> That - and not the rudder - is what makes the aircraft make a turn.
> >>>>> The rudder is also a fun turn — pun intended. It's even "fun" in the
> >>>>> death spiral recovery manoeuvre. Because you cannot efficiently come
> >>>>> out
> >>>>> of a spiral using only ailerons. While coming down, in order to
> >>>>> rectify
> >>>>> the spiral, you actually have to apply a lot of rudder as well.
> >>>>> Otherwise you'll end up a whole lot more down, with disastrous
> >>>>> airspeed.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> The vertical component of lift is reduced, and a pitch-stable
> >>>>> aircraft
> >>>>>> will just by itself increase its airspeed to restore it. It can do
> >>>>>> that only by going down at that same time.
> >>>>> True.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Unless you watch the horizon or the attitude indicator, you will
> >>>>>> not be aware that this is happening.
> >>>>> True. Whence the 178 seconds above. Also, "spatial disorientation in
> >>>>> aviation". This Youtube channel of mine, "Mentour", has done quite a
> >>>>> number of features on just this thing. He's a commercial pilot, and
> >>>>> even
> >>>>> has access to flight simulators. See above even for him inverting his
> >>>>> native 737 in one.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> As the roll angle increases, the g-force will apparently remain
> >>>>>> vertical (relative to the aircraft) but increase as well.
> >>>>> Actually the g-force does not increase at all. That's why the death
> >>>>> spiral is so nasty: you don't feel anything at *all*, evenwhile
> >>>>> you're
> >>>>> going nose down into the ground.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Much of that is because of the intrinsic stability of the aircraft.
> >>>>> Because the stability means the craft wants to stay at 1g towards the
> >>>>> floor. While it stays that way — no matter its actual attitude — you
> >>>>> won't feel anything off even if the thing is inverted in a barrel
> >>>>> roll —
> >>>>> a nice and harmless aerobatic movement — or in a death spiral — with
> >>>>> at most two seconds to die.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> And at some point you will notice that you are pinned down in your
> >>>>>> seat and unable to move - you are effectively in a centrifuge, way
> >>>>> too
> >>>>>> fast, going down, and the g-forces will be so high that they can
> >>>>> break
> >>>>>> up the aircraft.
> >>>>> This only happens once you gained too much airspeed and try to
> >>>>> recover
> >>>>> by pulling up on the yoke. True, if you're already there, not much
> >>>>> can
> >>>>> be done to recover. But at least don't then pull up the yoke too
> >>>>> fast in
> >>>>> order to break the airframe. At max do something like a "gentle" 5g
> >>>>> curve, and if you then manage to not crash into the terrain, level
> >>>>> off
> >>>>> and apply some spoiling.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Ah, you too think about this. Hmm. 8)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> To recover: > > 1. Reduce power to idle.
> >>>>> Preferably as soon as you know you're losing altitude. Because
> >>>>> you'll be
> >>>>> trading potential energy for kinetic energy/speed from the get go.
> >>>>> This
> >>>>> is also why I mentioned fighter jets and dog fighting from the get
> >>>>> go:
> >>>>> that energy count-down (or up) is how dogfighting has been counted
> >>>>> from
> >>>>> the start. It's how dogfights are won, and the energy management is
> >>>>> also
> >>>>> how planes are either crashed or landed safely.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>> 2. Bring the wings level. This has to be done gently, to avoid even
> >>>>>>> more mechanical stress.
> >>>>> Yes. However, this is difficult to do once you went into spatial
> >>>>> disorientation, your synthetic horizon is at something like 120
> >>>>> degrees,
> >>>>> and you descend at a about a five kilometres per minute, from an
> >>>>> altitude of, say, a generous ten thousand feet. Within a thick cloud
> >>>>> cover, with all of your instruments yelling at you at the same time.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>> 3. As the wings return to level, the excessive speed will put the
> >>>>>>> aircraft into a steep climb.
> >>>>> What is "level", here? In a death spiral, the optimum recovery will
> >>>>> take
> >>>>> you through a route where you'll *definitely* not be level. Your nose
> >>>>> will be looking down, at an airspeed which is *way* over your craft's
> >>>>> design limits. That will also take place well after you can
> >>>>> laterally,
> >>>>> in ailerons, balance the aircraft; as such, even a very little
> >>>>> take on
> >>>>> the ailerons, or the rudder, the yoke, would immediately either stall
> >>>>> some control surface, or made better, tear each of them apart. And
> >>>>> you
> >>>>> don't really know what is "level" hear, either; even your
> >>>>> instrumentation is probably fucked up already; believe you me, no
> >>>>> inertial thingy ever survives the kind of vibration an aircraft
> >>>>> induces
> >>>>> on itself when put into a multiple g's acceleration, combined with a
> >>>>> wide stall.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>> Let it happen but keep the pitch angle under control.
> >>>>> Exactly so. "Let it happen." Many of the worst accidents on record
> >>>>> have
> >>>>> happened because pilots fought their planes, instead of "going
> >>>>> with the
> >>>>> flow" which a plane, designed to be statically stable from the start,
> >>>>> would have done by itself. For example, (ya'll, prolly not Fons)
> >>>>> take a
> >>>>> look at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilot-induced_oscillation .
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>> You will regain some of the lost altitude, and airspeed will
> >>>>>>> decrease.
> >>>>> Recovery from a near miss death spiral is still more involved.
> >>>>> Because
> >>>>> you might have to operate the aircraft at structural load, and do a
> >>>>> recovery from a prolonged stall over all of the airframe. You might
> >>>>> actually have to "fly" your airframe over a minute in a full stall
> >>>>> over
> >>>>> every part of it, and then try to regain aerodynamic control. "After
> >>>>> sinking, flying, and shaking like a rock from a cannon."
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It can be done. But nobody teaches you how to do this, and in fact, I
> >>>>> don't know of *one* algorithm which has flown this route.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> 4. As you approach normal airspeed, bring back power and level off.
> >>>>> That should be obvious, then. It's that third stage before "Profit"
> >>>>> which always slights the eye. ;)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Ciao,
> >>>>> Moro.
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - de...@iki.fi, http://decoy.iki.fi/front
> >>>>> +358-40-3751464 <http://decoy.iki.fi/front+358-40-3751464>, 025E
> D175
> >>>>> ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2
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