Fons Adriaensen <wrote:
> A 'spiral', very different from any spin, was mentioned,
> and Sampo seemed to think that recovery from that would
> require regaining speed. The opposite is true, as in a
> spiral your airspeed will increase [1]. Unless you recover,
> there are two ways in which it can end: by smashing into
> the ground, by or structural breakdown as the result of
> excessive speed.
> So as part of spiral recovery, you need to reduce speed.

I am never been a pilot, but my understanding
is that a fighter jet can also deploy a parachute
from the tail.   This reduces the airspeed, and
so helps the pilot escape from a spiral.

Sigmund Gudvangen wrote:
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] Death Spiral
> What has this aviation stuff to do with surround sound?

Well, nothing; boy, is my face red.  Please
ignore this post.

Martin J Leese
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