Dear Colleagues,


The 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association,
<> Forum Acusticum 2023, will take place in Torino
(Italy) from the 11th to the 15th of September 2023. This will be an
excellent opportunity to present your most recent work and discuss it with
fellow acousticians, researchers and professionals, academics and students.


As for every edition of this Convention, there will be several
<> structured sessions. We are
pleased to invite you to submit a paper to the one we are organising, titled
A11-04 -Personalisation in Spatial Audio Technologies, which is part of the
A11 - Psychoacoustics theme. 


The session covers work exploring listener acoustic and non-acoustic factors
within spatial audio technologies, including (but not limited to) topics
such as:

*       Head-related transfer function (HRTF) individualisation and
*       Headphone preferences and individual fitting/equalization studies
*       Individual/customised hearing profiles applied to immersive
listening experiences  
*       Artificial Intelligence and machine learning for personalised VR/AR
*       Sonic interaction design and spatial audio technologies 
*       Listener adaptation in immersive human-computer interactions and


Papers can be submitted for oral (a 20-minute time slot is allotted) or
poster presentation through the Forum Acusticum 2023 website,


The submission deadline for abstracts is January 31, 2023, while papers need
to be submitted by April 30, 2023. The abstract is limited to 200 words, and
papers can be from 2 to 4 pages long. All the papers will undergo a peer
review process.


if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking
forward to receiving your submission!



Michele Geronazzo and Lorenzo Picinali 




Michele Geronazzo, Ph.D. - IEEE Senior Member
Associate Professor in Computer Engineering

Department of Engineering and Management (DTG) 
University of Padova

Stradella San Nicola, 3

36100 Vicenza - Italy

Skype: geronazzo.michele
Email: <> 

Office: 3rd floor, Complesso S. Nicola

Tel: +39 0444 998886
The H2020 FET Proactive SONICOM project


The "Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments" book, Springer
International Publishing


(egocentric audio)


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