Another option to try is the Array2SH plugin (from the SPARTA suite).


Le 2022-11-25 à 12 h 33, Emanuele Costantini a écrit :
Hello Jim,

I've abandoned the filter matrix of my Brahma-in-mic for quite a while now, as it didn't gave what was supposed to do. Long story short, I scrapped it and now I work without it, with better results and I am quite happy.

If you want, I can send you my template Reaper session for AtoB conversion. You will need Voxengo MSED and Harpex-X as plugins.

Thank you.


On 25/11/2022 03:55, James Mastracco wrote:
Hello Surround Sound discussion group - ,

I have been comparing WXYZ recordings with a H2n Modified Zoom - aka Brahma microphone with an unmodified H2n.    The contrasts between basic "left versus right" comparisons, as well as visual comparisons with the HARPEX player  have left me unhappy with the recordings with the Brahma microphone.

I am processing the recorded A Format files utilizing the enclosed Matrix filters, but I need to confirm that I'm doing the A to B Format conversion correctly.   I am hoping that other Brahma H2n users who are convinced everything is working properly, might provide a test file or two, or something they are convinced is accurate so that I might process it from A to B Format.  Something with clear directional content  would be terrific, a 'no doubter', if you will.

Ideally, I could use the following:

- again, A-format file from your H2N Brahma recorder/mic  that "you are happy with" - - the A-format to B-format filter matrix file that came with your Brahma, for use with X-volver
- your conversion of the A-format file to B-format

Please specifiy the convention that was sused for your filter matrix file: FuMa or AmbiX

I should also point out, that my comparisons are not being driven by 'subjective' appraisals of acoustic environments, or any sense of "ambisonic realism",  (my expression)  but rather specific comparisons of acoustical transients in rooms for the W,X,Y, and Z components  - prescriptively.

That is to say, If I take a Brahma H2n recorder  - and compare it with an unmodified H2n recorder,  there should be some consistent comparisons between the W,X, and Y signals upon conversion.   I am also interested, in comparing the results with other 'point and shoot' ambisonic recorders, but that is down the road.

I'll note that I've done my own primitive 'hacking' once upon a time.    Here is a picture of two Zoom H2s - circa 2014,  one using a 3D capsule mount, recording from a choir loft position of a holiday choral concert.  I can provide the 'HARPEX' playback the recording on the left, which did generate a reasonably good B Format result, with all four components W,X,Y and Z.

Thank you in advance for your assistance,

Jim Mastracco

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