Yes, you need to convert to B-Format with the Ambeo A to B convertor plugin

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> On 31 May 2022, at 12:07, Carôt, Alexander - Prof. Dr. 
> <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am a newbie regarding suround but hightly interested and motivated to 
> investigate it. In that regard I did some R&D already but get stuck due to a 
> couple of basic questions I would like to come up with here:
> 1.) I have a Sennheiser Ambeo Mic which gives me 4 channel Ambisonics 
> A-Format. In order to achieve 2-channel binaural Sound via Headphones I have 
> to use a respective binaural decoder (as part of e.g. 
>, however, is it correct that I 
> first have to convert it from A to B-Format ?
> 2.) If 1.) applies what is the best way to convert it ? I found this: 
> and it states quite straight-forward equations to do it:
> W = 0.5 * (A + B + C + D);
> X = (A + C) - (B + D);
> Y = (A + B  - (C + D);
> Z = (A + D) - (B + C);
> Is this correct and is B-Format what is typically called the Ambisonics Sound 
> field ?
> Thanks in advance,
> best
> Alex
> --
> Email : 
> Tel.: +49 (0)177 5719797
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