Hi all!

During the covid pandemie I read a lot about surround / ambisonic recording, but I am defenitely lacking experiences.

In three weeks I have the opportunity to record a Jazz Duo with a concert grand piano (Steinway) and a singer in a recording studio, with controled acoustic. There will be high professional mics around (Neumann U 87 ai, Sennheiser MKH 8040, Schoeps CCM 4, CCM 2 ....)

The job is to record the duo in the classical way (Stereo) and now comes the fun part: in Surround and / or Ambisonic, too. I do have enough equipment to setup an ambisonic 3D FOA with four AKG C 414s and a Zoom F8n. I could also record with an OCT - Surround setup, double MS, INA 3/5 ...

The set will have about 10 real-book standards and the main focus is on the classical recording, but the surround is part of the concept of the album and these additional recordings will become the add-on tracks.

I know here are quite a lot of pros and/or people with major expertise on the list and I would like to ask kindly for advice. Any hint, opinion, comment or idea will be heartily apreciated.

    (left real setup, right theoretical setup)  (Source: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-17207-7 (page 10 )

The C 414 on the right is W, the top one is Y, the one on the left is Z and the one down, in the middle is Y.  (This is due to mechanical issues)

I would be happy, if you could comment.

Thank you very much in advance.

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