I've released a classic UHJ to square/rectangle decoder which can be found
at: https://www.brucewiggins.co.uk/?p=1836

It can also pass out B-format with or without shelf filtering applied.

It's a JS effect, so Reaper is the ideal platform (there is a JSFX VST that
should work on other DAWs, too).  It implements both the shelf filters and
forward preference controls as suggested in:
Gerzon, M.A., 1985. Ambisonics in multichannel broadcasting and video. *Journal
of the Audio Engineering Society*, *33*(11), pp.859-871.

As an aside, looking through the old papers, it looks to me that the UHJ
equations actually result in a W signal that's 3dB hotter than the SF mic
standard (i.e. AmbiX gains!).  Looking at the wireless world articles also
suggests this (B format input to a unit that implements UHJ applied 3dB
boost to W before decoding).



On Thu, 24 Feb 2022, 23:16 surround surround, <surro...@cox.net> wrote:

> I have retired my Onkyo SV-909 receiver with a UHJ decoder after many
> years of service. Over the years I have transferred my LP and CD surround
> recordings decoded into multichannel flac files for playback on a computer
> based system. I did manage to do a couple UHJ recordings using the Onkyo a
> while back but wondered if their might be a computer based solution.
> I am currently using Reaper as my DAW. I did a search for Ambsonic VST
> plug-ins and found The Ambisonic Toolkit for Reaper. I played with that but
> found that that The UHJ decoding it could do was from UHJ W,X,Y,Z to stereo
> and what I am looking for is UHJ stereo to a speaker feed. I really do not
> need the ability to adjust to different 4 channel layouts like the Onkyo
> provided and could just live with a square.
> I could be I simply missed something in the ATK as maybe a signal chain
> that could provide the decoding I need to convert my old CD's and LP'sbut
> thought why not see if the knowledge base here might be aware of a solution
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