
The obvious first: what are the source channel counts? 30 stereo is ok for 
non-ssd, but even that is pushing it if they are all playing…

For info, I had similar flow and channel count in a piece in Reaper, 
cohabitating with 12 cheats (point-sources) with a similar number of source... 
all of them decoding via jack audio in Max and there was no issue at all, on a 
laptop. But I was on SSD so disk access was no issue, and most sources were 8 
channels and lower before panner…

> On 18 Oct 2021, at 20:10, Tom Slater <slater...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I wanted to get an idea of your experiences with Reaper running large (ish)
> ambisonic sessions.
> I mostly work in 3rd order ambisonic and use the Blue Ripple plug-in suite
> and Rapture 3D Advanced  for decoding.
> I’m decoding to a 25.2 channel speaker array and could have up to 40 odd
> tracks, each with a 3rd order encoder/panner on.
> When I reach about 30 tracks Reaper performs very badly - laggy response
> when moving play head around, lots of clicks and pops when muting/soloing,
> random clicks and pops when just playing the session. Sometimes if I need
> to record arm a track playback is completely glitchy.
> I understand that 30 odd tracks each with a 3rd order encoder, and decoding
> to 27 channels is a lot to ask of the computer. BUT I’m using a 14 core
> iMac Pro with 64gbs ram. The sessions are running off an external TB2 drive
> (not SSD).
> I’ve played around with buffer settings which don’t seem to make much
> difference. Also the perf monitor in Reaper and the activity monitor in OSX
> don’t show that much strain.
> Any optimisation tips greatly appreciated. Or any other similar issues with
> Reaper?
> Cheers
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