Even worse for connections, though: 4 XLRs and 4 TA3s - I had a six-way version 
made up for my 788 when I had a DPA 5001which was rather nice, but not cheap. 
Those multi-pin Lemo connectors are expensive. 

But if you’re going for the Schoeps set up, what’s a  couple of thousand bucks 
or so extra on top for the recorder and breakout? I’m sure someone will do you 
a really good deal on a package. I think you’re in the UK, so try the nice 
people at Pink Noise, SoundKit or Everything Audio, or the BBList for a used 
recorder: there are a ton of them around at the moment as everyone is either 
upgrading in the hope of attracting work when it comes back, or selling up 
because they can’t afford to keep waiting for the work to come back. SD 788s 
are often available used at reasonable prices. Or you could go for the Zoom F8, 
which is inexpensive and seems to have many good reports. I’m using a MixPre 
10Tii with my OctoMic and am pretty happy with it.



> On 19 Oct 2020, at 19:04, Suso Ramallo <rama...@me.com> wrote:
> Sound Devices 788T
> Suso

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