Hi Ralph,
Thanks for that ,  Im looking for two speaker rather than 4 speaker
solutions. Transaural is a term that was still being used very recently by
some researchers at IRcaam -
apparently they had about 3 PhD students working on a new transaural object
for Spat - I don't know whether it ever got released. It wasn't just about
the cross talk cancellation
either, but they were also doing some stuff with HRTFs as well. Ill have a
look at that page anyway tx
On Sun, 5 Apr 2020 at 20:49, Ralph Glasgal <glas...@ambiophonics.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Transaural is essentially an early version of a crosstalk cancellation
> algorithm if you mean the Cooper/Bauck paper.  But time marches on.  RACE,
> BACCH and a host of products based on these basic equations are now
> available.  Ambiophonics VST is a plugin but only works with Windows
> programs.  Otherwise there is Amtra, Neutron MP, Aria3d, Soundpimp,
> miniDSP,
> etc. or you can program your own using Audiomulch or similar and the RACE
> block diagram.  All these apps allow a good 2.0 or 4.0 recording to be
> reproduced in half/full surround in the horizontal plane using four
> speakers.  All the links are collected at www.ambiophonics.org and RACE is
> in the public domain.  Also lots of AES papers, tutorials, and 4.0 demo
> tracks you can play with.  This technology competes with Ambisonics so
> there
> it is.
> Ralph Glasgal
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sursound [mailto:sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu] On Behalf Of
> Augustine
> Leudar
> Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2020 1:33 PM
> To: Surround Sound discussion group
> Subject: [Sursound] Best current binaural plugins in your experience ?
> Hi there Surrsounders,
> I hope you are all safe and well. So.... all our installations, audio
> events, and exhibitions etc have obviously been canceled, and we've
> basically been wiped out for the summer so I want to do some binaural work
> (not interactive), something I haven't done for a long time. Can anyone let
> me know what they think is the best binaural VST plugin around at the
> moment  - my favourite so far has been anaglyph - any other
> recommendations? Also, did anyone hear an effective transaural effort (I
> know Thebaut at IRCAM said his transaural spat thing was going to be good
> but I've never heard it, I dont even know if its released ),
> all the best
> Augustine
> --
> Artist website: www.augustineleudar.com
> Business website: www.magikdoor.net
> +44(0)7555784775
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Business website: www.magikdoor.net
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