Dear all If you like convolution, impulse responses as creative objects, and Cycling '74's Max, and/or if you just love how the convolution reverb in Ableton's Live sounds, and want to know how it works, then you'll be chuffed by this:
After many years of bug fixes, revamp, updates of Max/Ableton, here we go, it is now released, with more examples, tutorials, and features! The HISSTools Impulse Response Toolbox, release V.2 is now on the Package Manager Cycling 74 made a party of it, which is nice. You can also see it in action in my calibration patch for chamber music here (… and hear it in action in most of my music! I hope you enjoy! p _______________________________________________ Sursound mailing list - unsubscribe here, edit account or options, view archives and so on.