Dear Sursound List,

We would like to draw your attention to the re-run of our 2-part MOOC on the 
topic of communication acoustics:​

The first part “Fundamentals of Communication Acoustics” starts this Monday. 
The course is a collaboration of several academics based in Germany as well as 
Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. The two courses take place 
back-to-back, which means that the "Applications" course is going to start on 
Dec. 02, 2019.

There are chapters on (amongst other topics):

- Fundamentals of acoustics
- Room acoustics
- Anatomy and physiology of the human hearing system
- Psychoacoustics
- Speech acoustics
- A lot on spatial audio capture and presentation
- Psychoacoustics in product sound design
- Perceptual audio coding

The course is in English (please don’t mind our accents…), and it is more of an 
introduction to the topic. We would therefore think that it is not so 
interesting for most of you but it might be so for your students. The course is 
actually part of the curriculum at most of the participating universities, and 
we’re having onsite written exams at 4 locations. 

Best regards,

P.S. The term "communication acoustics" was coined by Jens Blauert 
( It comprises all 
subdomains of acoustics that are relevant for the communication between humans 
and between humans and machines. This is of course not an exclusive definition. 
You may choose yourself what acoustic signals are those that convey information 
to you.

Jens Ahrens
Associate Professor
Division of Applied Acoustics
Chalmers University of Technology
41296 Gothenburg
+46 (0)31 772 2210  
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