Hi Dave

Well of course you wouldn’t need to apply! ;)

It’s application based to combat attrition (free events are renowned for 
drop-out). With it being free to all, those funding it (the MAT programme at 
Queen Mary Uni) appreciate monitoring info, which comprises many or most of the 
questions. There is only one required open question about motivation, so not 
too arduous given the content (and crucially, the food & drinks offered). 

I can’t organise streaming alas. Last year I put videos of workshop material 
online (link below) but this year I will do well to manage two parallel tracks, 
without drinking my own bodyweight in coffee and/ or wine. 



> On 8 Oct 2019, at 18:00, sursound-requ...@music.vt.edu wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Soundstack 2019 (Dave Malham)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2019 12:15:37 +0100
> From: Dave Malham <dave.mal...@york.ac.uk>
> To: Surround Sound discussion group <sursound@music.vt.edu>
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] Soundstack 2019
> Message-ID:
>       <capw+1zq6t7e4tndg+bp8m7yxuxv5bzux8d9maihbxya_ekg...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Looks a very interesting set of sessions, especially for young
> practitioners who can take the time to fill in the application form - maybe
> less so for retired antiques such as me - any chance of it being streamed?
>       Dave
> On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 at 16:35, Angie M <mackan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Soundstack - A free two-day, two-track series of workshops, concerts &
>> masterclasses on the art and technologies of spatial sound.
>> Friday 8th + Saturday 9th November 2019, QMUL
>> More info here <http://angelamcarthur.com/soundstack-2019/>
>> Apply to attend here <https://forms.gle/fco2cAKPwVTXhbzu8> before 21
>> October. Places are free, limited and popular.
>> These workshops will introduce you to seven artist-engineers working at
>> the cutting edge of spatial sound for VR, AR, installations and
>> performance. You will hear about specific software and techniques, as well
>> as the aesthetic potential of working with immersive sound in fixed and
>> real-time settings. This year Soundstack will focus on the aesthetics of
>> sound as space, in an attempt to address this often under-considered area.
>> We will :
>> + premiere the IKO loudspeaker array in the UK
>> + use Supercollider in Unity for audioreactive photogrammetry
>> + use the Steno language to build spatial synthesis engines and filters
>> + approach spatial sonification and sound interaction design
>> + work with the Media & Arts Tech (MAT) programme?s 24-channel speaker
>> system
>> Friday 8th November
>> Track 1
>> 09:00 ? 13:00 Systems?Encounter with Steno ? Spatial edition with Till
>> Bovermann (required: SuperCollider + headphones + laptop)
>> 14:00 ? 18:00 Spatial Entities with Giulia Vismara (required: Reaper +
>> laptop + headphones)
>> Track 2
>> 10:00 ? 18:00 Sonification and sonic interaction design for space with
>> Paul Vickers (no requirements)
>> Saturday 9th November
>> Track 1
>> 10:00 ? 17:00 Audioreactive Photogrammetry with Kathrin Hunze & Thomas
>> Hack  ? Create and control point clouds in Unity with audio signals and OSC
>> (required: Unity (2018.3 or later) + Supercollider + Regard3D + laptop +
>> mobile phone + headphones + game controller (optional) ? see workshop
>> description for more info ? all software are free and with the exception of
>> Unity can be downloaded during the workshop)
>> Track 2
>> 11:00 ? 17:00 Projections of a shared Now ? Approaching Sound as Space
>> using the IKO loudspeaker with Gerriet Sharma & Angela McArthur (no
>> requirements)
>> This year, Soundstack is co-located with the ?Absurd Musical Interfaces <
>> http://instrumentslab.org/research/absurd-music-design.html>? hackathon
>> run by Giacomo Lepri <http://www.giacomolepri.com/> from the Augmented
>> Instruments Lab at Queen Mary Uni. This means you?ll have some shared
>> evening events and a chance to meet more people.
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> -- 
> As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University.
> These are my own views and may or may not be shared by the University
> Dave Malham
> Honorary Fellow, Department of Music
> The University of York
> York YO10 5DD
> UK
> 'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
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> End of Sursound Digest, Vol 135, Issue 7
> ****************************************

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