Hello Franz,
I don’t want to come over as being too negative about new and
progressive projects, but “still” have some problems with “5th order
Many practical HOA decoders in the wild are currently restricted to
3rd order. 4th order is seen as Master Format for VR. (Guidelines of
VR Industry Forum.)
Would we really need 5th order if the decoders would be a bit more
optimized, by the way?
Nothing personal again, but I think you are using rE decoders. This
might be acceptable in the loudspeaker case and using HOA, but
applying headphones and binaural decoders I still would recommend
dual-band decoders. Because you aredefinitively in the sweet spot...
(And maybe also NFC, as Aaron Heller might insist.)
Of course you could use the 5th order mix as master format, and less
in practice. (The only problem I have with this approach is that even
the eigenmike can’t record 5th order. Of course you can still mix your
HOA main microphone and spot mikes.)
So maybe all things are just fine, and why not being
forward-looking... (How many 5th order capable playback systems do we
have? I mean: on this planet? I would be surprised if we should
“count” more than 100 installations for 22.2, as well... Which
probably is used as master format, accordingly.)
I am in a tough place here, because many people will now show up and <
insist > that FOA recordings would be just fine. “Perfect spatial
sound forever”, so to speak.
(Running away to get some bite, as our British colleagues say...)
Best regards
P.S.: 7th order recordings/mixes would have been even better! 😎
P.S. 2: Being more constructive:
Maybe using COMPASS could help to achieve some true 5th order result.
(As long as you can reproduce this...)
Further work (for next year): 7th order?! (Losing patience...)
- - - -
Citando Franz Zotter <zot...@iem.at>:
Dear colleagues & friends,
We are happy to announce that the 5th Int. Conference on Spatial
Audio will host Europe’s Third Student 3D Audio Production
Competition, Sept. 26th to 28th 2019 in Ilmenau, Germany,
https://vdt-icsa.de/en/2019/ .
Call: Students who are interested in 3D-spatialized sound and work
on spatial music, spatial audio productions or recordings are
invited to participate by submitting short works (4min/11min) to the
third Student 3D Audio Production Competition.
There are three submission categories:
(1) contemporary / computer music (11min)
(2) audio drama / documentary / soundscapes (4min)
(3) music recording / studio production (4min);
For the first time, category (1) permits more common
contemporary/academic composition formats of eleven minutes.
The format requirements for preparing a submission and tools to
check are given here https://iaem.at/ambisonics/s3dapc/2019 and of
course you can get in touch if there are questions: <s3d...@iem.at>
The submission portal
is open until the end of June 2019.
An international jury will assess the submissions concerning the
creative and technical quality, providing feedback to all the
participants of the competition. Based on the resulting ranking, the
finalists will be selected for presentation at 5th ICSA. The
finalists will be notified and requested to attend the finals at
ICSA in Ilmenau in order to receive their award, the jury’s
comments, and say a few words about their submissions.
The finalists' work will be presented during the finals and awards
celebration, played back with powerful hemispherical loudspeaker
setup with about 30 loudspeakers.
Best regards,
Franz Zotter
Matthias Frank
Daniel Rudrich
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