Citando Marc Lavallée <>:

Le 2019-02-18 à 11:33 a.m., Stefan Schreiber a écrit :

6 channel format on YT: So channel ordering (normally) is W, Y, Z, X, L, R.

It is possible to change the channel layout, which might be a problematic feature...

“For example, a channel layout of 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3 indicates that the layout of the stored audio is /L/, /R/, /W/, /Y/, /Z/, /X/.”


The aac streams (that I captured from youtube) looks different; the 3 first channels are used, followed by the 5th channel (sometimes it is empty, probably for horizontal only FOA). The 4th and 6th channels are empty.

It could be that the spatial-audio rfc does dot reflect what's happening at the output of the youtube workflow. If the output formats are not documented, a bit of reverse-engineering could help (something I don't plan to try).


I believe that things are as you write, but this is really a < weird > layout.  < g >

(intertangling B format and the non-diegetic stereo track)

I have sometimes the impression that the typical Google programmer does things in a way he/she wants...

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