
we made available today a VST plugin implementation of a parametric ambisonic 
decoder based on the COMPASS model, published last year at IEEE ICASSP2018
(https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8462608, also on ResearchGate).

The decoder works with first-, second-, and third-order material, and applies a 
parametric model of multiple sound sources and an ambient component.
More available channels (higher-orders) allow additional sound source 
components to be analyzed. The decoder can sound sharper than a traditional 
linear ambisonic decoder, especially at first-, and second-order material. The 
user can manipulate the balance between the analyzed source and ambient 
signals, and control the percentage of “parametric”-vs-“linear” decoding.

Furthermore, as with the previous SPARTA suite of loudspeaker-based plugins 
released by the Acoustics Lab in Aalto University, the plugin allows definition 
of custom loudspeaker setups, and headphone monitoring using generic HRTFs, or 
user-provided personalized ones in the SOFA format.

You can find the plugins, more info and download links here:


There is also a video demo in the web page demonstrating functionality over a 
range of first-order and third-order material.

Best regards,

Archontis Politis
Post-doctoral Researcher
Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics
Aalto University

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