Dear sursound members,

I would like to draw your attention to a soundscape hackathon that we are organizing in April next year in Ghent, Belgium.

We invite teams of up to 4 people to compete in (developing software for) manipulating spatial audio, with the goal to redesign and improve the soundscape at selected urban open spaces worldwide. Teams are provided with high-quality immersive audiovisual recordings (360-degree video and spatial audio), and are asked to alter the spatial audio recordings by adding or suppressing sounds originating from various directions, and subsequently to design a series of scenarios that present an improvement of the soundscape based on the original recordings. Participants can make use of VR headsets and workstations, as well as of the Iosono wave field synthesis system in De Krook for presentation. The winning team will receive a cash award of 1500 euro.

The 3-day event will take place in De Krook, the media centre of Ghent, and is organized as a satellite event of the Urban Sound Symposium. You can find more information on the website of the event:
The deadline for registration is January 31.

Feel free to pass this invitation on to colleagues and/or students!

Best regards,
Bert De Coensel

Prof. Dr. Ir. Bert De Coensel
Ghent University
Research group WAVES
Dept. of Information Technology
iGent Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126, B-9052 Ghent, Belgium
Tel.: +32-9-264-9994
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