Well to clarify and bring into context, I don’t own a NT-SF1, so I can’t 
confirm that.
I just mentioned the possible artifacts which can (don’t have to) occur with 
time-frequency domain processing.
And I also wrote that adaptive, signal dependent processing is the way to go to 
get the best out of FOA. A student of ours (IEM) just recently released his 
AdaptiveBinauralDecoder plug-in as a Beta version. Also adaptive and FOA.


> Am 17.12.2018 um 20:28 schrieb Len Moskowitz <lenmoskow...@optonline.net>:
> I wrote:
>> There has been a report that the encoder introduces unpleasant sonic
>> artifacts if the NT-SF1 is in motion during recording. Links to
>> recordings made that way were posted on Facebook, and I've heard them.
> Daniel Rudrich confirmed that the Rode plugin produces artifacts when the 
> microphone is moved.
> On Facebook he wrote:
>> You can actually see those artifacts with encoding two sinusoids in different
>> directions and look at the visualization. When you change the frequency of
>> one, there seem to be three sources.
> Len Moskowitz (mosko...@core-sound.com)
> Core Sound LLC
> www.core-sound.com
> Home of OctoMic and TetraMic
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