Dear all,

I am Dingding Yao, a doctoral student in Chinese Academy of Sciences in China.

I am now working on the roles of spectral cues in elevation perception. I have obtained some quite interesting results on this topic by statistically analyzing the HRTFs along different elevations. These findings were also verified by the preliminary experiments in which the “best-matched” HRTFs used were subjectively selected from sets of HRTFs. For more extensively psychoacoustic evaluations, I have to use the measured individualized HRTFs. However, we have no HRTF measurement facilities now. Therefore, I am now seeking for any possible collaboration. If anyone who have individualized HRTFs and could do psychoacoustic experiments on elevation perception using the individualized HRTFs, could you please kindly let me know and help me? I promise that we will share any outcomes if any result is available.

I am now looking forward the help and collaboration from any of you. I would like to appreciate you very much.

Best regards,

Dingding Yao

Dingding Yao

Key Laboratory of Speech Acoustics and Content Understanding,
Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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