Hello Simon,

I don't have any Reaper-friendly suggestion, but if you are happy to use other 
software you could use simple mobile phones for head tracking  (you could also 
use some simple head trackers like MrHeadTracker from IEM - 
https://git.iem.at/DIY/MrHeadTracker), sending through the data via OSC to a 
computer where you can run various instances of the 3D Tune-In Toolkit 
(http://3d-tune-in.eu/toolkit-developers & 
https://github.com/3DTune-In/3dti_AudioToolkit/). We will soon release the 3D 
Tune-In Toolkit as a VST plugin, so it might be possible to use it with 
Reaper...I'll be happy to have a chat about it, if you wish.

Best regards


Dr Lorenzo Picinali
Senior Lecturer in Audio Experience Design
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
Dyson Building
Imperial College Road
South Kensington, SW7 2DB, London
T: 0044 (0)20 7594 8158
E: l.picin...@imperial.ac.uk


From: Sursound <sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu> on behalf of Simon Connor 
Sent: 01 November 2018 10:04:07
To: sursound@music.vt.edu
Subject: [Sursound] Multi-user head tracked binaural ambisonics query

Hi Sursounders

I'm wondering if I could pick some brains if possible…

I’m interested in the potential of using head tracked binaural HOA in a
gallery setting, but that would support multiple users at the same time
(say up to 6 people) so that each could have their own respondent audio

Could anyone recommend any Reaper friendly software and cost effective head
trackers that would allow for multi-user head tracking?

I know that Waves NX offers this but only for FOA and I've been less
impressed by the sound of the binaural decoding as yet. I've been very
impressed by Audio Ease’s 360 pan suite with their suggested headtracking
device but currently this doesn’t offer multi-user functionality.

Any suggestions would be very welcome!

Thanks in advance
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