Hi Hector

This would be killer.
Right now to play 3rd order audio
remotely to clients one has to mux to blank video, and use jump inspector.
Its just as much of a pain for 2nd order facebook, and youtube first order.
There is no mobile audio only alternative, and lets face it, everybody has
a smart phone, but no speaker array.
Audio only solutions need to be created as this will be the way to get the
music biz, and consumers alike on board.
When this happens we really will have traction, as who listens to audio
always with video?

I have your app, and would gladly pay even more for this.

Would be great if your player did playlists too or maybe just shuffle.
At the moment it is quite clunky having to load files first.

Another killer feature would be stereo (or more) encoding/upmixing. Then
everyone and their dogs playlists could be used...



On Fri, 20 Apr 2018, 12:07 Hector Centeno, <hcen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> After a long while, I've decided it is finally time to update my Android
> app AmbiExplorer [
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.hcenteno.ambiexplorer ].
> I'm developing it on my spare time but I'm hoping to include at least these
> new features:
> - Add HOA playback, up to 3rd order using Google's Resonance decoder (for
> now, later will try to add a variety of HRTF selections)
> - Include Google's Resonance decoder as an option for FOA playback in
> addition to the current HRTF sets
> - Support both FuMa and AmbiX formats
> - Possibly support TBA (Facebook 360 Audio)
> - Support loading custom HRTFs (I also want to look into possibly adding
> SOFA support)
> - I've also considered adding a VR mode where the user would be placed in a
> visually neutral space (dimly lit) as an alternative to head-tracked
> headphones (this might also elicit a more focused listening attitude), and
> possibly add the option of assigning 360 panoramas to audio files to be
> displayed during playback.
> These updates will be released in stages during this year but the first 3
> are already on their way and hopefully will be released soon.
> If anyone has any feedback about these updates or would like to suggest any
> other features or changes please let me know!
> Best regards,
> Hector Centeno
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