On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 10:12:48AM +0100, Paul Hodges wrote:
> --On 12 April 2018 09:36 +0100 Jack Reynolds
> <jackreynolds...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > There is an optimum radius of about 15mm, below which the bottom end
> > begins to suffer I'm told. 
> I would guess this is practical rather than theoretical; determined by
> a combination of noise (because of the gain required in the
> differences) and the difficulty of precise calibration at low
> frequencies.

The radius would matter if omni capsules are used. In that case
the practical lower limit if you want the 1st order response to
go down to the 20-50 Hz range is around the size of the Eigenmic,
somwat more than 15 mm radius. And even then that requires very
careful calibration and stability.

Tetrahedral mics use near cardioid capsules, and extracting the
first order AMB components doesn't require a minimum distance
between them.



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