No and I do not know any ambisonic recordings that do not need some processing, 
Even when the output is B format,  you have to process it to hear it.


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From: Sursound <> on behalf of Oddity Medium 
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 4:29:13 PM
To: Surround Sound discussion group
Subject: Re: [Sursound] ***UNCHECKED*** Zoom H2N - thoughts?

but what is the putput of the brahma-in-zoom? is it similar output to h2n?

for example suppose i dont have any recorder with me and i just need to
record something quickly, and i don't care about ambisonics so much as much
as getting a high quality ambience/recording, can i use the brahma-in-zoom?
will it output WAVs? or will i need to convert it with a computer

i guess my question is, do i need to do extra processing for every
recording with the brahma-in-zoom? cometimes i dont want to use a
DAW/software, i just wanna drag/drop the recording into a drive, straight
up WAV's and just play them, and not muck around with conversion, ardour,
bla bla  - can i do this with the b-i-z?

i guess i'm saying, is the workflow much more complicated? frankly, i dont
wanna be near computers, i wanna be outdoors.

also, can i monitor live with headphone the b-i-z?

On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 12:29 PM, umashankar manthravadi <> wrote:

> My modified Brahma-in-Zoom eliminates several of the flows. First, I am
> using matched sets of 14 mm capsules, mounted on a true tetrahedral array.
> Two, I calibrate the microphone, which eliminates quite a few of the
> irregularities which come from mounting the array in the body. I have some
> very good quality recordings using Brahma-in-Zoom.
> It is till as compact and convenient if not as cheap.
> umashankar
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>  for
> Windows 10
> ________________________________
> From: Sursound <> on behalf of Enda Bates <
> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 3:52:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] ***UNCHECKED*** Zoom H2N - thoughts?
> Hi all,
>   so as Gus mentioned we did a detailed comparison of a number of
> Ambisonic microphones including the H2n, which you can find a summary of on
> my blog or in the original papers in the AES library for all the details.
> Here are my general thoughts.
> - in general the H2n unsurprisingly can't quite compete with a proper
> Ambisonic microphone as it's missing height, and the irregular spacing of
> the capsules causes a reduction in localization accuracy and some other
> issues.
> - however, it is definitely usable, and the fidelity of the inbuilt
> microphones is not bad at all considering the price, and ease of use.
> Especially for capturing general ambiences or the like it's more than
> usable, and I nearly always record with a H2n just as a backup as well as
> another Ambisonic microphone (this saved me on a couple of occasions).
> - the price, and physical size are very useful as it is something you can
> stick in a bag and turn on and setup in seconds, which make it very handy
> for off the cuff recordings (although that's true of the Brahama also of
> course).
> So my two cents, it's flawed but actually very good for the money.
> enda
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