Heres a review of the predessesor the H2 :

As a low cost standalone field recorder/microphone combination the H2 is
> interesting. However, its limitations means it cannot really be recommended
> for wildife sound recording due to the limited gain and high noise level on
> the external microphone input .
> Either the internal mic capsules are unusually sensitive, or the signal
> path for these capsules is different to the external mic input.

I think the H2N has improved a little bit - but Im not sure how much.

On 9 April 2018 at 21:57, Augustine Leudar <>

> I also think there was some signal to noise ratio issues with the mini
> jack in especially for wildlife recordings - whereas the signal to noise
> ratio was lower with the onboard capsules. BTW this isnt the Zoom h4 with
> the mics on the side its the one with them in the top :
> zoom-h2n-handy-recorder
> The Zoom h4 has XLR ins and is by all accounts a better choice for
> external mics.

Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
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