
Oddity Medium?

It depends what you want to achieve.
Do you want pin point accuracy in spatial resolution, or just a sense of 
Generally the bigger the space, the more speakers you will need, 
But not to many if you are using only FOA.
As Ambisonic order increases, so does the accuracy (especially high frequency), 
 and the bigger the sweet spot.
The space also seems very reflective, which will have a bearing on spatial 
accuracy, but may assist immersion…

Not sure about IKO as I have never heard it.
It seems that it could achieve a sense of space, but not sure of it’s spatial 
It would need to bounce the beams off walls, which is a big variable, so would 
sound different depending where it was placed. 
Maybe someone else could chime in here, as people seem to rave on about Apple 
HomePod being able to do just that.



> On 3 Apr 2018, at 10:58, Oddity Medium <odditymed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> what is the relationship of the size of a room to the kind of ambisonics i
> can play back within it?
> so a larger room would need more/bigger speakers... right? but how is it
> related to FOA or HOA e.g.
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