On 03/27/2018 01:18 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 09:08:54PM +0200, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:

Sweet! A resounding "me too" to Stefan's question about the matrix, since
you're one channel short :)
Looking at the geometry, I guess you sacrificed the second-order
rotationally symmetric component (FuMa R or ACN 08), which seems to be a
good choice to me.

ACN 6 (= R) actually. The only possible choice given this geometry.
The actual R output is derived from W, which is correct for (near)
horizontal sources.
The A/B processing is a combination of IIR filters and an 8 by 8
convolution matrix. The real magic is of course how this matrix
is computed. To know more you'll have to sell your soul :-)

Ha ha! I thought I had not done that!!! What I have must be the result of a (hopefully) short-term rental agreement in the fine print of some other contract...

I've been slowly working on an A to B encoder for my version of Eric's eight capsule design (the Octathingy). Simpler than yours, and an extension of the quad capsule encoder that I initially thought could not possibly work for the eight capsule design (I get "reasonable" polar patterns at this point). For now a static A to B matrix (8x8) followed by FIR filters for each component. The devil is around somewhere (in the details :-)...

-- Fernando

Can I assume that there is an updated version of TetraProc for the followers
of the penguin?

See previous post.

And looking at the shop, I don't see the Rycote lyre listed yet - is it a
generic one that can be had from them,

AFAIK, yes. They also have one for the Tetramic. I have it, it's quite
effective. Also fits into the wind shield and optional 'dead kitten'.

I'm trying to come up with a good business case to order one asap, and since
I'm good at fooling myself, it might just happen :-D

Just let me know if and when :-)


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