Hello all,

This is to announce that I will support Core Sound's new Octomic
<http://www.core-sound.com/OctoMic/1.php> in the same way as the

Currently the 'octofile' program is available. This is a command
line file processor performing the A/B conversion. Input can be 
1, 2, 4, or 8 files (raw capsule signals), output is a 2nd order
Ambisonic file in either the legacy FuMa/amb format, or the now
de facto standard Ambix format (SN3D/ACN), or even N3D/ACN if
you want that. Output can be wav, aiff, caf, or flac.

A real-time processor 'octoproc' will follow in a month or so.
This will have the same features as tetraproc: Jack interface,
real-time A/B conversion, metering and stereo monitoring.

The software will be available free (in source form) to anyone
who has bought or ordered an OctoMic. 



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