If you had seen my website (brahmamic.com) recently, you will notice that I 
have been offering to calibrate third party microphones including diy 
microphones. I also recalibrate brahmas more than two years old.


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From: Sursound <sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu> on behalf of Gerard Lardner 
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2018 3:58:52 AM
To: sursound@music.vt.edu
Subject: Re: [Sursound] [allowed] oktava 1st order mic

My attempts to respond last night from my phone didn't work. Try again:

I have an older Oktava MK_012 4D. I bought it relatively cheaply on eBay
a few years ago; it came without any software or digital calibration
data; I think Oktava don't offer anything more than paper frequency
response traces for each capsule. I think it has a larger capsule array
size than the MK-4012; in the MK-012 4D, the capsules lie on a sphere of
about 96 mm diameter.

Fons Adriaensen kindly calibrated my Oktava MK_012 4D for me.
Calibration made a big difference; without calibration, directional cues
were almost non-existant. But the same recordings, reprocessed with the
calibration files, had directional cues, at least at mid- and lower
frequencies. Fons, and Angelo Farina, explained that the mic could not
resolve directional information at higher frequencies due to the large
array size. I think the capsules on my Oktava are not very well matched
(it is maybe 20 years old), and it really needed the calibration.

I love the quality of the sound captured by the Oktava, especially for
classical chamber music and choral music but, to be honest, I use a
Brahma more often, because of its much better directionality.

My recommendation is, if you have an Oktava MK-4012, get it calibrated.
In my case, it made a big difference.

Fons Adriaensen in Italy calibrated my Oktava. I believe Richard Lee in
Australia might still offer a calibration service, though he appears to
be less active on the internet these days, and I think Core Sound in the
USA also will do it - they used to say it on their website, but I
haven't checked lately.

Gerard Lardner

On 08/03/2018 18:51, Peter P. wrote:
> Hi list, please excuse if this has already been discussed here before,
> the archive didn't show much results for me. What is the best way to
> encode the signal from the Oktava MK4012 1st order microphone capsules
> into ambisonics? Did anyone measure the mic so far or is a generic
> encoder the best way to do it for now? It seems that Oktava is not
> providing any hardware/software encoders... Thank you for any ideas!
> Peter

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