Hi Steven, and thanks for the useful info.

The fact that the Twirling720 presents itself as a stereo 96Khz
device and the possibility that the 4 channels are "encoded" in 2
channels is very interesting, because it could potentially be used with
any computer. I still don't use mine because the Android app is asking
for too many permissions on my phone. I'm waiting for the official SDK,
hoping I can program simple and safe custom apps. I also plan to build
a mount because holding it only from its USB plug is very risky; a
modified phone shell could be a good start.

Le Thu, 8 Mar 2018 18:40:20 +0000
Steven Boardman <boardroomout...@gmail.com> a écrit:

> I have one too. Been using it successfully for a while with my android
> phone.
> It does seem to present itself to other audio apps as  2 channel 96khz
> device.
>  When using the apk it records either stereo, or 4 channel  A and B
> format at 48khz. I think theres some  sort if matrixing going on.
> I haven't done any vertical tests, but the horizontal works well for
> the price.
> It is also pretty easy to rotate the capsule spindle, so not sure how
> accurate the positioning is. Mine is also not quite perpendicular!
> The manual is useless.
> They are quick to fix bugs, and implement suggestions thoigh. (the
> A-Fornat one was mine.)
> Its way better than a h2n in my opinion, and really easy to carry, as
> i always have my phone anyway.
> Because if this i use it a lot, as i carry it at all times.
> I just have to make a mount for use with my Samsung gear 360.
> Best
> Steve
> On 8 Mar 2018 16:05, "John Leonard Main" <j...@johnleonard.uk> wrote:
> > Mine (pre-ordered for some small amount) arrived a couple of days
> > ago and I’ve got it hooked up to my MacBook via a suitable USB
> > adapter and an old Apple keyboard extension cable. At first, I
> > couldn't get a sensible signal out of it, but then discovered that
> > it needs to be connected via USB3, or it won’t work. Then I took a
> > look at the capsule orientation, which, although it is indeed a
> > tetrahedral array, seems to be skewed by 45º off centre, but as the
> > output is encoded in some way into two channels, this may not be a
> > problem. By using their 720 Studio app, I can get a sort-of
> > surround signal out of it, although it appears to have no vertical
> > information. The skimpy on-line manual is pretty useless for Mac
> > users, so I wonder in anyone else has had better or more consistent
> > results?
> >
> > Bruce - I could send it to you for chamber analysis, if you’re
> > interested.
> >
> > All the best,
> >
> > John
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