Dear Surround Sound Community,

_[Apologies for any cross-postings]_

This is a reminder that the 21st International Conference on Digital
Audio Effects (DAFx2018) will be held at the University of Aveiro in
Aveiro, Portugal, on SEPTEMBER 4-8, 2018. 

DAFx2018 is organised by the University of Aveiro, through its Institute
of Electronics and Informatics Engineering (IEETA), in collaboration
with the Portuguese Audio Engineering Association (APEA). 

The conference will be hosted at the university campus and will feature
oral and poster presentations of accepted papers, keynote addresses,
tutorials and demonstrations. The social program - including welcome
reception, concert and banquet - will offer opportunities for more
informal interaction while enjoying the city and the region. 

This annual conference is a coming together of those working across the
globe in research on digital audio processing for music and speech,
sound design, acoustics and related applications. Original contributions
for DAFx2018 are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following

        * Capture and analysis
        * Representation, transformation and modelling 
        * Transmission and resynthesis
        * Speech/voice effects and manipulation
        * Perception, psychoacoustics and evaluation
        * Spatial sound analysis, coding and synthesis
        * Sound source separation
        * Sound synthesis and composition
        * Hardware and software design
        * Computational auditory scene analysis

We especially welcome submissions addressing: 

        * Digital audio processing for inclusion
        * Immersive and AR/VR audio effects
        * Sonification and sound design using non-acoustic data

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers, EIGHT
PAGES MAXIMUM, for both oral and poster presentations, before MARCH
29TH, 2018. 

Submitted papers must be camera-ready and formatted according to the
templates and instructions available at the DAFx2018 website
( [1]). All papers have to be submitted through
the EasyChair conference management system and are subject to peer
review. Acceptance may be conditional upon changes being made to the
paper as directed by the reviewers. 

We are pleased to announce that the submission system is now active: [2] 

We kindly ask all authors to ensure that their names are consistently
formatted (including accents) across all submissions in which they
appear, as well as in the EasyChair system itself. 

Proceedings with the final versions of the accepted contributions will
be made freely accessible on the DAFx2018 website after the conference
closure. Volumes 2008 to 2017 of the DAFx proceedings are now indexed in
Scopus and this will apply similarly to the DAFx2018 proceedings.
Extended versions of the best DAFx2018 papers will be given special
consideration for publication in the Journal of the Audio Engineering

A PDF of the call for papers is also attached to this email. 

For general questions about the conference, please write to: 

For specific questions concerning the call for papers, please contact: 

We greatly look forward to receiving your submissions, and welcoming you
to Aveiro in September. 

Best wishes, 

The DAFx2018 Committee [1] [3] [4] 

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