Professor of Practice in Sound in Virtual Reality Aalto University is a community of bold thinkers where science and art meet technology and business. We are committed to identifying and solving grand societal challenges and building an innovative future. Aalto University has six schools with nearly 20 000 students and more than 400 professors. Our campuses are located in Espoo and Helsinki, Finland.
Department of Media and Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics invite applications for: PROFESSOR OF PRACTICE POSITION IN SOUND IN VIRTUAL REALITY []<> Professor of Practice in Sound in Virtual Reality - Aalto University<><> The position will be filled on the basis of professional, artistic and academic merits, and the successful candidate will be appointed for a fixed 5-year term with the title of Professor of Practice. Aalto Professor of Practice system is intended especially for the fields of art, design and architecture, and is applied to other fields as well. The Professor of Practice position provides departments with the possibility to hire highly respected professionals for opening new areas of teaching and research/ artistic and professional work. The position also provides possibility for re-evaluation and dynamic development of a field. Professors of Practice are expected to exercise and guide artistic activity and education, and/or research. They are also expected to follow the advances of their field, to participate in service to the Aalto University community, and to take part in societal interaction and international collaboration in their field. Job description Research Methods to reproduce, augment and synthesize virtual auditory spatial scenes would be developed in collaboration with Prof. Ville Pulkki’s group in the department of Signal Processing and Acoustics at the School of Electronical Engineering. The group will be working on, for example, fast machine-learning-based estimation and rendering of room responses for interactive virtual acoustics, on methods to reproduce the spatial distribution of virtual sources and on methods to render spatial audio on surfaces of virtual objects. Teaching A major course about Building Virtual Worlds is being planned by Prof. Lily Díaz (Department of Media, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto ARTS), where the students would be taught the state-of-art methods how to build interactive virtual realities for arbitrary uses. The professor would have major role in developing this cross-school course and in teaching of virtual acoustic techniques within it. Artistic work An important task would be to actively collaborate with other Aalto ARTS researchers, in the Department of Media and elsewhere, to introduce and integrate the tools into their research projects. Additionally, the Professor will teach students the theories and practical use of audio technologies in virtual reality, on such a level that is approachable to relevant MA-level students of ARTS. To be able to teach artists in such matters, sensitivity and knowledge towards artistic and design practices is highly desirable. Requirements Professor of Practice is considered a professor position subject to external evaluation. Merits in development of spatial audio technologies will be emphasized in the selection process: the applicant is expected to have significant achievements that, in terms of qualifications, are comparable to a doctoral level degree. A good knowledge of signal processing, psychoacoustics and room acoustics is assumed. In addition a good knowledge of contemporary artistic and design practices is beneficial, as well as practical experience in the fields of sound design and virtual reality. Excellent communication skills in English are required. It is expected that the successful candidate will have broad theoretical and practical knowledge and technical digital media skills (including programming) that enable them to work successfully within an art and design-based academic community. Also the skills in multi-disciplinary education and design are relevant for the position and necessary for the development and understanding of the field of sound design in virtual reality. The applicants will be reviewed on the basis of the following areas: audio technology, artistic merits, teaching, collaborative skills, and activity and leadership in the artistic or academic community. Salary and employment Salary is internationally competitive and Aalto University provides health care and retirement benefits. Finland is a great and safe context for family, offering many excellent state-subsidized services, including affordable day care and free schools, which are consistently ranked among the best in the world. The position will commence during 2018. How to apply The application process includes two phases. In the first phase the applicants are required to submit the following material: 1. Motivation letter 2. Curriculum vitae 3. List of publications (the most important ones to be marked with an asterisk) 4. Creative portfolio including 5 most significant projects in a single PDF file (max. file size 100 MB) 5. Brief (max. 1000 words) overview of your ideas regarding the future development of the field 6. Brief (max. 1000 words) description of teaching experience and qualifications. All application materials should be submitted in English, in pdf format. The application materials will not be returned. Aalto University does not accept any letters of recommendations during the first phase of the application process. From amongst the applicants in the first phase, Aalto University will select those who will be asked to supplement their application materials with e.g. a teaching portfolio, and to visit Aalto University on 21 May 2018. Supplemented applications are submitted for review by external experts (the second phase of the application process). Please submit your application through the eRecruitment system no later than on 13 March 2018. The link to the eRecruitment system can be found at the bottom of the page. General instructions for applicants including evaluation criteria, language requirements and guidelines for compiling CV are given at<>. For additional information please contact Chairman of Departmental Committee, Professor Philip Dean, email<>. In recruitment process related questions, you may contact HR Coordinator Ilona Kallio, tel. +358 50 524 0728,<>. Aalto University reserves the right for justified reasons to leave the position open, to extend the application period and to consider candidates who have not submitted applications during the application period. About Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS) & Department of Media The Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS) is an institution of higher education for design, media, architecture, motion picture, art education and art. The current key areas of research are design, digital media, audiovisual representation, art, visual culture, welfare architecture and emerging technologies as well as urban planning and design. The school produces specialists and innovators of art, design and architecture with strong artistic and technical skills. The Department of Media is an academic community of approximately 350 students and 50 faculty members. The department conducts research and provides education in bachelor, masters and doctoral programmes across a broad range of subjects and themes. The study programmes and research of the department are organized within three units: The Media Lab, Visual Communication Design, and Photography. About Aalto University School of Electronical Engineering (ELEC) & Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics The School of Electrical Engineering is one of the six schools of Aalto University. Our portfolio covers fields from natural sciences to engineering and information sciences. In parallel with basic research, we develop ideas and technologies further into innovations and services. We are experts in systems science: we develop integrated solutions from care of the elderly to space robotics. The school is an international unit with close to 60 professors and 2000 full-time students, including over 200 doctoral students. Our research focuses on major societal issues, such as energy and environment, information and communication technologies as well as health and wellbeing. The research focus areas are: • Energy and environment • ICT • Micro and nanotechnology • Health and wellbeing We have deep industry-academia relationships both in research and teaching. The Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics (SPA) consists of four focus areas centered on acoustics and audio signal processing, measurement science and technology, signal processing, and speech and language technology that all share a common fundamental theoretical and methodological background in electrical engineering, physics, and applied mathematics. The academic staff comprises 10 tenured or tenure track professors and approx. 70 other research personnel, including one current and one former Academy Professor, 3 IEEE Fellows, 2 Fellows of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), and a notable number of researchers who have received highly competitive career advancement funding from the Academy of Finland or ERC. The unit has a strong emphasis on basic and applied research and researcher training, as reflected by Aalto ICT field’s highest number of peer-reviewed publications, citations, and number of completed doctoral degrees when normalized by the total income or personnel headcount of the unit. About Helsinki The greater Helsinki region is a world-class information technology complex, attracting leading scientists and researchers in various fields of computer science. As a living and working environment, Finland consistently ranks high in quality of life, and Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is regularly ranked as one of the most livable cities in the world. Living up to our values As a community of high ethics we want to assure the highest international standard in research, education and teaching. We expect all our community members to respect Aalto values and follow the ethical principles of fair play and integrity in all our activities and the behaviour that we expect from each other. The Aalto University Code of Conduct is applicable to all Aalto community members and it clarifies the values that guide us. Apply for this job: -- ====================================== Prof. Vesa Valimaki, Vice Dean for Research Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics P.O. Box 13300, FI-00076 AALTO Espoo, Finland Email:<> <>====================================== Check the new Applied Sciences special issue on Sound and Music Computing: <> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <> _______________________________________________ Sursound mailing list - unsubscribe here, edit account or options, view archives and so on.